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  1. L

    Plumbing A External Filter Into A Tank...

    I've got an acrylic aquarium with two 25mm diameter holes for the filter inlet/outlet pipes. What kind of pipes would I use to connect the filter to the tank, and what kind of screw fittings would I connect the pipes to the tank as a watertight seal. Thanks
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    Help! Tank Leak!

    Hi guys, Thank you kindly for all of your advice. I've just looked and it hasn't emptied anymore. I've taken some more water out so it's just over half full. The corner where the leak occured is now dry, I think it's only an area at the join of around 1cm where the sealant has failed. Could I...
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    Help! Tank Leak!

    Hi guys, I purchased a 4ft tank from my friend's dad around 2 months ago. Up until today it has been fine, but I just got home from work and around 1/3 of the water is now soaked in the living room carpet! I have made a pen mark on the front of the tank and the water level doesn't seem to be...
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    My New 4Ft Aquarium

    You should just keep an eye on ones on eBay in your area, you can get some real bargains. I nearly did, but then my friends dad was selling this. Gouramis would be a good idea, do you think my black widow tetras would be tempted to nip them though?
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    My New 4Ft Aquarium

    I got this tank second hand from my friend's dad a week or so ago, and have just set it up. I'm going to move my existing fish from my small tank once this new one is ready (the ones in my signature). I am not sure what else I'm going to add so far (except for increasing the numbers of...
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    4Ft Tank Advice

    Hi guys, Thanks very much for your kind advice! I've got the tank now. It came with an under gravel filter tray and pipes etc, 4 pumps and 1 internal filter. I think he was using one of the pumps for the under gravel filter, and the internal filter too (which is only a couple of years old). I...
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    4Ft Tank Advice

    Hey guys, My friend is selling me his 4ft tank with cabinet (not sure of the exact internal size). At the moment I just have a small 50 litre tank, so it's quite a step up. Currently in my small tank I have 4 black widow tetras, 5 neon tetras, 2 albino corydoras, 1 peppered corydoras, 1 algae...
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    Best Colors I've Seen In Walmart

    Wait, you mean Walmart actually sell fish in conditions like this? I thought you were probably in America as soon as I saw the pictures. We don't tend to do things like that in the civilised world...
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    Introducing Myself...

    Hello The one on the left is the only real plant at the moment, but I got that MONTHS ago (February time) and hadn't noticed any before.
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    Introducing Myself...

    Hello, thanks very much for your post. I've had this algae eater for over two years now (he was one of two, the other sadly died). He has grown a lot, but stopped growing ages ago and seems to be in good health. I know they don't really eat algae from the tank, but that's okay, because I got...
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    Introducing Myself...

    Hi, thanks for the welcome. This is the type I have, it's a chinese algae eater (or whatever the correct name for them is, I've heard them called lots of different things):
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    Introducing Myself...

    I will upload some pics once I've taken some. Thanks for the welcomes :shifty:
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    Silver Dollar Tank Size

    Hi Thanks very much for your reply. The reason I got confused about Silver Dollars, as I mentioned, was because I saw some in my local Sealife Centre that were HUGE (I mean too large to keep in any home aquarium). Could these have been wild ones?
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    How Do You Sex Turquoise Rainbowfish?

    I've got the answer to this topic... take them out for dinner and see what happens! Boom boom.
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    Silver Dollar Tank Size

    Hey, I really like the idea of keeping some Silver Dollars in the future when I have a larger tank. My question is, what is really the minimum tank size you'd reccomend? I've seen people keeping them in quite small tanks, and yet at my local sealife centre they have some which are HUGE (and I...
  16. L

    Elaborate Plan For Starting My Tank Again...

    The current fish I have are: 6 Neon Tetra (I've had lots of these in the past. I started out with 8 this time, but lost a couple somehow and this latest 6 have lasted ages) 6 Black Widow Tetra (These guys have done really well and I love the way they shoal) 1 Black Molly 1 Silver Molly 1 Algae...
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    They Are Here!

    Wow, they're lovely!! But realistically, what is the very minimum sized tank that these would thrive in?
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    Elaborate Plan For Starting My Tank Again...

    Okay, thanks very much for the advice guys, I will start the hunt for some really nice gravel and ornaments. And I think you'll find that I didn't 'admit to illegal acts', I merely suggested the possibility of committing one.
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    Black Use Or Not To Use?

    I don't really like sand much, but black sand is an exception for me. I do much prefer the type in ianho's picture as opposed to the type in the other pictures. Black sand really hides dirt nicely.
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    Elaborate Plan For Starting My Tank Again...

    Hi guys, Would that be okay to rehouse the fish for a few hours and then transfer them back into the tank if I kept the same water and filter media? I am planning to get a small tank to keep a betta and shrimps, so I could buy that, use it to keep the fish in for a few hours before I set it up...
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    Elaborate Plan For Starting My Tank Again...

    Hi guys, When I first got my tank, I kinda threw everything together in a hurry. I am very happy with the collection of fish I have, and also the water seems nice and healthy now, however I'm not at all happy with the decoration. I used sand for a start, which I personally hate. The ornaments...
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    New Tank Setup By A Newbie

    Great looking tank, and really nice to see them breeding!
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    Keeping Sand Clean

    Hello, Just wondered how many people here prefer sand over gravel, and how you keep your sand clean? I found this so difficult that in the end, I purchased some gravel and covered most of the sand with it. Also, I have an Algae Eater which lurks on the bottom of the tank, and he races round...
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    Introducing Myself...

    Hello guys, Just thought I'd also introduce myself as a newbie to this forum. I don't have anywhere near as many fish as most people on here, infact I only have one 60 litre tank at the moment which houses: 6 Neon Tetra (I've had lots of these in the past. I started out with 8 this time, but...
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    Will 1 Male Betta Be Ok In A 35 Litre Tank?

    This topic came at just the right time for me, as I was going to start one. I've seen some really beautiful Male Bettas at my local garden centre. I've been thinking for ages that I'd like to keep one, but just haven't had the money spare for a tank and all the 'extras'. Now I've seen a small...