Introducing Myself...


New Member
Sep 8, 2010
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Hello guys,

Just thought I'd also introduce myself as a newbie to this forum. I don't have anywhere near as many fish as most people on here, infact I only have one 60 litre tank at the moment which houses:

6 Neon Tetra (I've had lots of these in the past. I started out with 8 this time, but lost a couple somehow and this latest 6 have lasted ages)
6 Black Widow Tetra (These guys have done really well and I love the way they shoal)
2 Other fish I cannot remember the name of. They're the same species... one is black and one is white.
1 Algae Eater (I had two of these, but sadly one died. They are fairly large now).
3 Apple Snails (I got these on eBay and now they're huge. I've seen a couple of babies too, but my snails are yellow and round, and these have grey pointed shells, any advice on this would be great :unsure: )

I might get a couple more for the tank in the future, but I think it's pretty full for now.

Biggest mistake I ever made - when I was new to keeping fish, I made the mistake of going to a garden centre who knew very little about the fish they were selling. They happilly went ahead and sold me 4 tiger barbs to go in my tank along with female bettas and other fish with large fins. Needless to say I ended up taking them swiftly back. They were pretty though. Was my fault really for not doing my research, but it's easy to underestimate how incompatible different species can be when you're just starting out.

When I get a new house, I'm hoping to go wild. My friend has a huge, huge fish tank that at the moment just houses one goldfish. When it dies, they're going to get rid of it, so I'm going to have it and set it up as a proper aquarium, put lots of thought into the design and have a really nice collection in there.

Anyway nice to meet you all.

Hi, im pretty new here myself. :)

Sound like a nice tank, got some pics.
I will upload some pics once I've taken some. Thanks for the welcomes :shifty:
Hi and welcome, can I ask what type of algae eater you have?
Hi, thanks for the welcome.

This is the type I have, it's a chinese algae eater (or whatever the correct name for them is, I've heard them called lots of different things):

Welcome aboard Liam, great forum here, very friendly bunch, hope you have fun :good:
Hope I'm not getting mixed up (easily done), the algae eater you have can get over 6", hope someone else can give you some more info on it :good:
Hello, thanks very much for your post. I've had this algae eater for over two years now (he was one of two, the other sadly died). He has grown a lot, but stopped growing ages ago and seems to be in good health. I know they don't really eat algae from the tank, but that's okay, because I got them because I thought they were interested, not to do my dirty work for me :lol: .

Here's a picture of my tank (I'm planning to re-vamp it or maybe upgrade to a larger one soon):


I don't think you can really see the algae eater properly, but he hides in that pot.
the grey pointy shell snails sound like pond snails, not babies of the apples. Are those real plants in our tank? The snails may have hitch-hiked in on those.

welcome to the forum.

The one on the left is the only real plant at the moment, but I got that MONTHS ago (February time) and hadn't noticed any before.

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