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  1. Hermithall

    Rainbowfish Id

    Ok for anyone similarly confused, I found out they are both female Bosemani Rainbows. I'm told you can very often tell a male by the time they are 1" when they'll be showing some of their characteristic colour. I'm still surprised by the variation and behaviour between these females.
  2. Hermithall

    Rainbowfish Id

    Looking for an ID on these guys, sold to me as Bosemani when they were tiddlers, but I'm not so sure. They are nearing 1 year old and are a little over 2 inches. Colours in the photo are accurate to real life. They behave like a pair, I'm guessing the greener of the two (on the left) is male and...
  3. Hermithall

    Egg Crate

    How does Raptor know for sure it's unecessary? It can and does happen, and the problem of cracking the glass arises when too much weight is concentrated on a single point of contact, i.e from the sharp corner of rock against the bottom of your tank with all the weight from the rock above bearing...
  4. Hermithall

    African Cichlids Id Please (3 Fish)

    Thank you Rev Turtle, excellent ID on the third pic.
  5. Hermithall

    African Cichlids Id Please (3 Fish)

    Thinking 1st might be Zebra Gold. These fish are all 2 to 3 inches.
  6. Hermithall

    Juwel Trigon 190 Or 350? - Advise Appreciated

    Get a 25kg sack of coral sand, it's just enough for a 350 and I imagine you'd have spare if you bought it for a 190. I bought 5mm stuff on ebay for £29 free delivery, you can probs get it cheaper shopping around.
  7. Hermithall

    Juwel Trigon 190 Or 350? - Advise Appreciated

    Here's my Trigon 350 Phil, I have 2 externals plus internal powerhead (Tetratec 1200 and AllPonds 2000) which does create a bit of equipment clutter in the back but you can get round this by directing light towards the front with tube reflectors, effectively plunging the back of the tank into...
  8. Hermithall

    African Cichlids Id Please (3 Fish)

    Can anyone ID these fish? I have a feeling the last one (brown/orange finned fish) is Tang but the fish in the first 2 pics are lake Malawi. Any help appreciated.
  9. Hermithall

    Feeding Practices

    I also feed only once per day, sparingly. I read somewhere a fish's stomach is about the size of it's eye as a general guide.
  10. Hermithall

    New Tank, Bowing (Flexing) When Filled With Water

    I really don't think you have anything to worry about, a slight flex is normal. Larger tanks need a centre brace, but I don't think a tank of your dimensions warrants one.
  11. Hermithall

    Problems With External Filter

    Hi Agrimes, here is the solution: You need a new "Sealing Gasket Ring" for your Eheim filter. From your description I'm pretty sure you need Eheim part no. 7343150 This would fit models 2026, 2126, 2028, 2128, 2226, 2326, 2228, 2328, 2227, 2327, 2229 and 2329 so should fit your Eheim Pro II no...
  12. Hermithall

    Problems With External Filter

    Hi Agrimes, here is the solution: You need a new "Sealing Gasket Ring" for your Eheim filter. From your description I'm pretty sure you need Eheim part no. 7343150 This would fit models 2026, 2126, 2028, 2128, 2226, 2326, 2228, 2328, 2227, 2327, 2229 and 2329 so should fit your Eheim Pro II no...
  13. Hermithall

    Juwel Vision 260 Stocking

    In the long run it's best to keep Angels either in established pairs or in larger groups of at least six fish. In a trio, 2 might pair off and then shun/bully the gooseberry. Nice Angelfish article here: If I were you I'd forget about the...
  14. Hermithall

    My Yellow Lab Fry

    That's awesome, good luck with the fry :) Momma should start eating again now!
  15. Hermithall

    My Tank

    Natural and stunning, beautifully kept. Your Angel makes a great centrepiece fish. V Nice Vid :)
  16. Hermithall


    Activated carbon helps, remove/replace it every few days until the water clears. Combine with water changes, some wood only stains for a couple of weeks, other wood much longer. No pain, no gain!!
  17. Hermithall

    Pleco Feeding

    A little bit clumsy too, yes! It rests in it's cave throughout most of the day, then becomes active teatime onwards. I bought mine as a novice when it was just a tiddler, the guy at the shop telling me it would be ideal for my 180. Of course it's outgrown 2 tanks already and is currently living...
  18. Hermithall

    Malawi Cichlids And Plants

    Thanks Malawi MaD, vouching for Vallis duly noted, I'm definitely adding it to my want list now. It's great to hear what's working for other people; finding this very helpful :)
  19. Hermithall

    Malawi Cichlids And Plants

    Thanks for the additional responses, i'll definitely use Java Ferns as a last resort Gidge - but I want to try potted plants first. Greggswim, thanks for the advice about the swords - I've potted them up and put them in my community tank instead of my malawi tank. I can get Anacharis Elodea...
  20. Hermithall

    Pleco Feeding

    Lovely photo - stunning pleco, and looks in excellent condition - i think you have the feeding regime in perfect order! I find the same with my common pleco when it comes to offering new food - mine also had to 'learn' cucumber was food, and same with broccoli stems - rejected it the 1st time...
  21. Hermithall

    Malawi Cichlids And Plants

    Thanks! I've ordered some Amazon Swords :)
  22. Hermithall

    Pleco Feeding

    It certainly doesn't sound like your pleco is starving, but I know what you mean about gauging whether they're getting enough to eat or not - just trust your intuition and keep an eye on it's health and behaviour. I think actively going for the food as soon as you put it in the tank can only be...
  23. Hermithall

    Malawi Cichlids And Plants

    I've decided I would like to add some plants to my Malawi setup. I'd prefer plants which can be contained and rooted in pots, so I don't really want to be using Java Fern or anything similar with exposed rizomes. I have a poor knowledge of aquatic plants, so I'm hoping to hear from people who've...
  24. Hermithall

    Best Gravel/substrate Vacume Available?

    They're all about the same I think - maybe try and get a brand you've heard of, and the bigger they are, the stronger the syphon. I started with a small one which worked ok then ended up buying the biggest one in the store which does a much better job, couldn't live without it tbh
  25. Hermithall

    Can Water Be Too Hard

    I would say your tap water is perfect for mbuna! Rifties in Cornwall would prob kill for it lol From : GH (General Hardness) General hardness or “total hardness” is a measure of the magnesium and calcium in the water. Africans are most likely to appear vibrant and colorful in...
  26. Hermithall

    Strange Pink Things In Tank

    Nerite snail eggs without a shadow of a doubt. I also had them all over my tank from Zebra snails at one point and they are quite hard to remove!
  27. Hermithall

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    Thought I'd pop back to this thread and see how the tank is getting on. Wow man, it looks fantastic stocked - love the fish, you got some real beauties there and they look a good size too. The colours really pop against the black scape - Good job :)
  28. Hermithall

    Gravel Change?

    Argos sand is safe by the way, although I've spoken to a rep before from British Sands who source the playsand for them, and they haven't ruled out adding additives such as anti-mould or other sterilizing agents in the future which could harm fish. He said they put no onus on themselves for...
  29. Hermithall

    Gravel Change?

    Regular fish net works very well for scooping out gravel. Gravel vac first to lessen the murk :)
  30. Hermithall

    Who Couldn't Love This Face?

    fantastic creature :)
  31. Hermithall

    What Is Going On Inside My Tank?

    I have 2 sets of golden rules that help me out a lot. 1. Feed pinches of flake to an understocked tank very sparingly once or twice (often it's only once) per day, just enough that they consume everything in under 60 secs. Also, 1 day per week I don't feed them at all. 2. I'm religious about...
  32. Hermithall

    Cycling 55 Gallon Tank - What Can Live With A Red Tailed Shark?

    Redtail shark is usually very belligerent with many other fish, especially as it matures. Their aggressive behaviour is instinctive, related to protecting a food grazing area. It's very hit and miss unfortunately as to which fish they might tolerate. Mine ended up in a tank on his own in the...
  33. Hermithall

    Help Nitrate Levels

    Have you checked the water nitrate levels straight from the tap? - just in case there's a prob there. Edit: just noticed you've already done that in your op, doh!! Tons of water changes like Rummy says and the nitrates will surely come down!!
  34. Hermithall

    New Additions

    Very nice setup, just love your Tang tank! They have tons of space, looks like they're having fun in the 6 footer. - thanks for sharing a great vid :)
  35. Hermithall

    Juwel T5 Light Unit

    well done you! - I'll be attempting the same when my juwel lights go
  36. Hermithall

    Cichlid Id Needed.

    Excellent, thank you all guys, appreciate it :)
  37. Hermithall

    Cichlid Id Needed.

    Could it be a baby Frontosa I wonder? - looks like the start of banding on the flanks.
  38. Hermithall

    Cichlid Id Needed.

    Can anyone identify this species - sold as "juvenile African Cichlid". Approx inch and a half long.
  39. Hermithall

    Juwel T5 Light Unit

    Thread about it here:
  40. Hermithall

    I.d. Please

    Looks like a normal female Salousi to me - nice photos :)