Malawi Cichlids And Plants


Fish Crazy
Aug 19, 2011
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I've decided I would like to add some plants to my Malawi setup. I'd prefer plants which can be contained and rooted in pots, so I don't really want to be using Java Fern or anything similar with exposed rizomes.
I have a poor knowledge of aquatic plants, so I'm hoping to hear from people who've had success with plants in their African cichlid tanks. Any help with recommedations would be much appreciated :)
In the past I kept amazon swords. Just look for plants with tough leaves. Makes them harder to eat.
I would go with something fast growing like Brazilian pennywort, anacharis(eloea), vallisneria(they do well in hard water), water sprite, you could also try some crypts(they fit in an African biome well as they like the same water qualities as your fish). I'm not sure swords are the best idea, not sure how they would do in hard water, and they don't like being uprooted, which makes them difficult in a cichlid tank where the fish are likely to pull it up (swords also like very iron rich soil). How much light do you have, how deep is your tank, and are you injecting CO2?
Any of the Java fern varieties I have found work great. They don't like the taste of it. :good:
Thanks for the additional responses, i'll definitely use Java Ferns as a last resort Gidge - but I want to try potted plants first.
Greggswim, thanks for the advice about the swords - I've potted them up and put them in my community tank instead of my malawi tank.
I can get Anacharis Elodea from my LFS and it's very cheap too, so now I'd like to try that instead. Am I right in thinking it will take root in pots? My lighting is 4 x T8 flourescent tubes which are on 5 hours per day (standard 'white' light) over a 350 litre tank which is 24 inches deep. No Co2 injectors I'm afraid.
Thanks folks :)

Edit: My PH is not exceptionally high at 8, the water is buffered only by coral rock in the tank.
I have Vallis in with my wilds and they do sometimes nip at them but not to bad. :good:
Thanks Malawi MaD, vouching for Vallis duly noted, I'm definitely adding it to my want list now. It's great to hear what's working for other people; finding this very helpful :)

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