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  1. Berksou

    Floggy tank water after adding sand

    Thank you! is it safe to turn on the filter? I’m afraid the sand particles will clog it.
  2. Berksou

    Floggy tank water after adding sand

    Hello, Yesterday I changed my substrate to sand. I did not wash the sand before as I assumed it was clean. I also did a mistake by adding the sand while the tank is filled with water. Now its a big mess as the water is very shaked and not clean at all!!! I am a beginner so excuse me for this...
  3. Berksou

    Can I put Cory fry in a gravel tank?

    Many thanks Byron for this proposition
  4. Berksou

    Can I put Cory fry in a gravel tank?

    Perfect! Thank you. Ok will do then gravel removal.
  5. Berksou

    Can I put Cory fry in a gravel tank?

    It’s an DIY HOB filter with sponge and bio rings.
  6. Berksou

    Can I put Cory fry in a gravel tank?

    Hello, I lucky got a lot of baby Cory fry. They are now in a breeding net box hanging in my 37g tank. I have moved all the other fish that were in this tank (for other reasons) and now I am thinking to release these fry into the big tank. I would like to remove the gravel I have so that it is...
  7. Berksou

    Gourami laying down with spine bent

    Yes it's a dwarf. My water parameters are perfect and the tank is established a long time ago. I have 24 other fishes in there.
  8. Berksou

    Gourami laying down with spine bent

    My gourami had his tail bended for few day ago and I was hot aware that this might be a decease since I assumed he was scared especially after Ottawa power outage. For more than 24h now he is laying in the bottom breathing only. Should I euthanise him? When I net him he starts moving around...
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  10. Berksou

    White spot on my neon tetra mouth

    I have observed this few days ago and no big change in the shape and size of the white ball. Can we then eliminate fungus and hope for fat lip?
  11. Berksou

    White spot on my neon tetra mouth

    Hi guys, Please have a look at the pic of one of my neon tetra. It's like a white dot. What do you think this is? Thanks.
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  14. Berksou

    Corydoras sick PLEASE help

    I've turned the heat down. I will watch him few more days because I don't have quarantine tank. What do you suggest as substrate?
  15. Berksou

    Corydoras sick PLEASE help

    A ammonia and nitrite=0 and nitrate=10-20ppm. Here is the pics. It is moving but not very active.
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  18. Berksou

    Corydoras sick PLEASE help

    Hi there, Before two days I saw one of my very active albino Cory injured (blood on the skin like a knife cut). I understood that he might scrapped his body on something. My gourami most of the time pick on the cories especially over the wafers so it might be an accident. Shortly the injury...
  19. Berksou

    Is this polyster stuffing safe for fish? Walmart Canada

    Thank you! The only thing I am afraid of is that they say (on the product website not on the product bag) that it is mildew proof. I have read in other forums that this means it contains a toxic chemical for this purpose. Having two days of headache, I decided to get rid of it and went to...
  20. Berksou

    Is this polyster stuffing safe for fish? Walmart Canada

    Thank you all! So I understand I should be avoinding this anyway. What do you suggest as fine particles filtering media to repalce this floss? Please note that I am using a spong as well and a biomax.
  21. Berksou

    Is this polyster stuffing safe for fish? Walmart Canada

    I am afraid it contains toxic things. Just to make sure. Thanks a lot in advance!
  22. Berksou

    Is this polyster stuffing safe for fish? Walmart Canada

    Hi, I bought a bag of polyster stuffing from Walmart today as attached in the picture. They say it's 100 polyster. Is there someone in Canada who tried it?
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  24. Berksou

    Other fish eating all my Pleco's food

    I have a bristlenose Pleco. I have never seen him eating or competing for the food. My cories and other fish won't let anything sinking on the gravel without eating all of it. How do I make sure that my poor pleco is eating? PS: I got him a week ago, maybe he is shy?
  25. Berksou

    Is this ich?

    No there is no snails or plants. This thing I use to see it from time to time. I am not sure what it is. It has a core and white fins...
  26. Berksou

    Is this ich?

    I have treated my fish from ich few weeks ago and they all seem in good shape. Today I see in the gravel some fugus like stuff. In my understanding this is ich colonies, I have e attached the picture. Please let me know so that I can act as quickly as possible. PS: when I was treating ich...
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  28. Berksou

    Ammonia spike after the tank was cycled

    Ah, OK I got your idea now!! It totally makes sense to me now since after few months they will be alone and can not find SD of the same size to add to this group, right? In this case I will try to return them as soon as possible or maybe get few more now and hopefully will increase the tank size...
  29. Berksou

    Ammonia spike after the tank was cycled

    Sure Byron, I will seek advice before jumping into this. I was just assuming if I can afford in the future a bigger tank for my silver dollars what I can imagine as tank mates for them. For now I will just make sure they thrive in this tank without problem. I wished I have had an advice before...
  30. Berksou

    Ammonia spike after the tank was cycled

    That's also an idea of mine, I will see maybe a bigger tank in the basement with Titanic fish (sharks, oscar, clown loaches, silver dollars).
  31. Berksou

    Ammonia spike after the tank was cycled

    Thanks for the encouragement. Yes getting silvers was a mistake but honestly I like them and feel attached to them now. I will return them after few months when things are really impossible.
  32. Berksou

    Ammonia spike after the tank was cycled

    I have a 37 gallons tank. There are six serpae tetra and one dwarf gourami and three silver dollars. I have no live plants. Initially I had five albino cories but three of them died recently probably because I was treating ich. Temperature was 87 for two weeks and added few salt (around a...
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  34. Berksou

    Ammonia spike after the tank was cycled

    The tank is pretty new but I was sure I finished cycling it because I was reading zero ammonia and zero nitrite for of days. The silver dollars are not that big so I'm not sure where I can put the waffles and they cannot get them. Almost double size of the cories around 2 inches.
  35. Berksou

    Ammonia spike after the tank was cycled

    My silvers are very picky and they always get the wafers....
  36. Berksou

    Ammonia spike after the tank was cycled

    I'm using this algea wafer from top fin So do you think that ammonia spike is due to the...
  37. Berksou

    Ammonia spike after the tank was cycled

    I think I may be overfeeding. I wasn't at first, but I've noticed my top/middle swimmers eat all the food before it sinks to the bottom. I have corydoras and they usually don't swim to the top to feed so they don't get any. I bought sinking pellets to try to fix this, but the other fish still...
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  39. Berksou

    Help! Ammonia zero but Nitrite very high!

    Hello everyone I would like to post an update on this topic. Today finally I got 0 nitrate and zero ammonia so I guess my cycle is done now. this is a very good achievement for my first tank. I also have almost zero white spots so I guess ich outbreak is almost over. I will also wait for a...