Help! Ammonia zero but Nitrite very high!

Hello everyone I would like to post an update on this topic. Today finally I got 0 nitrate and zero ammonia so I guess my cycle is done now. this is a very good achievement for my first tank. I also have almost zero white spots so I guess ich outbreak is almost over. I will also wait for a couple of days to week with this high temperature before I bring the temperature back to normal.

So as a summary what I've done is the following. first as suggested by the members here I raised the temperature to 87°. I've also added one teaspoon of salt per gallon which is equivalent to around 1 gram per liter. I've added salt because of the ich and also I was afraid that my fish will get some other bacteria or infections and also I have the problem of Nitrite. In addition I've been doing water changes every day almost 50%. I've also replaced the water conditioner that I was using which was API stress coat with the secham prime which I guess is better because it's detoxifies also nitrite and ammonia. I've also bought a powerhead to increase the oxygen and water circulation specially during this heated period. Unfortunately during the process I've lost one Cory cat and I think I'm going to lost the second one because I have second Cory that is not moving and it's not too active not eating so I guess it's pretty sick or something.

Again many thanks for all of you and I'm looking for my second tank. I'm thinking to get a small tank for raising guppies which need harder water. My plan is to do crashed Coral as my substrate and hopefully this will increase the hardness of my soft water so that I can keep and breed guppies easily.


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If you are using heat to treat white spot, you need to keep the water warm (30C /86-87F) for one week after all the white dots have gone. There can't be any left on the fish because just one white spot parasite can start the process over again. And with the fish in a weakened state from the first round, and the nitrite issue, you could lose them all if white spot goes through the tank again in the next few weeks.

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