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  1. King

    Overflow Matching To Return Pump Problem

    i set the level in my sump and my tank to the height i desire and within 30sec the tank is about to overflow. i am thinking about just ordering a new 500g over flow but i need this to run in the meantime :crazy:
  2. King

    Overflow Matching To Return Pump Problem

    ok i decided i had too small of a filtration system on one of my tanks, the pump was getting kinda sketchy too so i decided to just save the pump for water changes and move my overflow to a new tank i am starting up, the old set up was 500gph, i bought a 500gph pump, plumbed it, put that...
  3. King

    Water Change Question

    i would like to do one of those set ups. anyone have any advice or info for any certain models/brands? i wouldnt really need anything big, just mainly want it for water changes in my 3 salts.
  4. King

    Water Change Question

    ok reverse osmosis. so its basically just a series of filters that your tap water goes through and comes out a hose or something? how do you store the water u produce?
  5. King

    Water Change Question

    i guess i dont understand what an RO/DI unit is? :look:
  6. King

    Water Change Question

    well i have a distiller that i borrowed from a buddy but it A) takes like 4hrs to do 1 gallon, it uses electricity, and it produces heat. im sure its an old one, they might be better now days? i just didnt know if it was exceptable to use anything else, and you have verified that its not. i...
  7. King

    Water Change Question

    i heard only use distilled water because its so pure and i am going through a ton of distilled water with water changes in my salts. i was wondering if it is actually necessary to use distilled or could i use half distilled and half tap with "prime" in it? i will continue with distilled if its...
  8. King

    Goldfish Dying?

    yeah after it was all said and done i decided just to keep them bc they were cool and never found a suitable home for them to stay together and be healthy so i set up that 37 so they could have their own tank. im up to 6 now with the addition of the salts lol..
  9. King

    Goldfish Dying?

    i will get that and do a water change/treatment this eve :good:
  10. King

    Goldfish Dying?

    petsmart have it? should i still do a massive water change? ive stepped it up since we last talked, i now have a 125g and 67g salt predator tanks. ive got a good collection of cool predators. working on turning that 37 into a reef tank for my wife. :hyper:
  11. King

    Goldfish Dying?

    the water is perfect test wise, its just the 2 goldfish and 4 crayfish in a 37gal, PLENTY of filtration, and they have been fine in there for 6-7 weeks. put the crayfish in about 2 weeks ago. yesterday is when i noticed they didnt seem to be doing good. did a 30% water change a week ago just...
  12. King

    Goldfish Dying?

    i have 2 big gold fish and they arent doing too good, they are just kinda floating pointing down and not really moving around much. i put some crawfish in there a week or so ago but not sure if that could have anything to do with it. water is perfect. they look like they are turning...
  13. King

    Questions About Flow On A 55 Salt

    all of mine are around 15x, ive just always heard 10 as "rule of thumb" i think what i have on the 125 is a just a 20gal chopped into 3 chambers. my buddy has had a reef tank setup and fish set up in it and its done fine so maybe i will just grab a 20 and make one exactly like this one. or...
  14. King

    Questions About Flow On A 55 Salt

    ok so instead of 10x with fresh i need 20x with salt? i guess overflow into sump/skimmer, then pushed back out the other side back into the tank. thats how my 125g is set up. i am just looking to salt my 55 and didnt know how much flow was needed since its not a real big tank. i know 10x in...
  15. King

    Can Balas Go Brackish?

    ive put the brackish tank on hold for now. i now have a 125gal salt predator tank :good:
  16. King

    Questions About Flow On A 55 Salt

    i am converting my 55gal to salt and wondered how much flow (gph) on an overflow, return pump, and power heads i need to do this? i will be starting get parts for it this week. please shoot me some input :good: oh and skimmer..
  17. King

    Can Balas Go Brackish?

    wondering if balas could go brackish like columbian sharks, it would be cool to have a few of each in a big long aquarium. i know some fish can turn brackish but not sure about the bala. also what about the cobalt blue "lobsters"? just curious bc im looking for a good deal on a 125+ gallon...
  18. King

    Quiet Air Pump?

    these are loud even laying on something. i will look into some of these other brands also!
  19. King

    Quiet Air Pump?

    ive tried "whisper" and "topfin" air pumps and they are both really loud, to the point to where its annoying and i feel like turning them off.. is there anyone that makes one that is actually quiet?? this vibrating sound is driving me nuts LOL.. :crazy:
  20. King

    Too Much Filtration Or O2?

    i didnt figure either would "hurt" anything but wanted to ask everyones opinion :good:
  21. King

    Too Much Filtration Or O2?

    just making sure that you cant have TOO MUCH filtration or oxygen. i have a whisper 40i that had mature media in it i wanted to save so i stuck it in my 55gal with the 2 30i filters, wanted to ask and make sure that is ok, its alot of filtration but i cant see why it would be "bad"? also i...
  22. King

    Fresh-Water Newbie

    haha thanks. i just put a dirty 30i out of the 55 in the 25gal coffee table to start it rolling. replaced it with a 40i so now i have a 30 and 40 in the 55gal (even better). im learning and doing the best i can. :good:
  23. King

    Fresh-Water Newbie

    waited on the water change today because im doing paperwork and just checked the water to see what it looks like before i do a change and it looks good! ammo - 0 trite - 0 trate - 5
  24. King

    Fresh-Water Newbie

    well i found a girl that had to small dirty filters and i put them in a big power filter with a cotton "mesh" from a bio bag and i just didnt really seem to do the trick so thats why i got one of the dirty filters out of the 55 to shake out in front of it to hopefully pick up some of that fresh...
  25. King

    Fresh-Water Newbie

    i did a 50% water change in this "new" 29gal today and shook around a filter out of my 55 in the tank for the filter to pick up. after its all settled and clear again my levels are: ammo .5 trite 1 trate 20 think i should do another water change or wait and see what it looks like tmrw? this...
  26. King

    25Gal Aquarium Coffee Table - What Filter?

    seems like more work to have to fool with the UGF, i dont mind seeing a Whisper internal stuck to the side of this and i know they perform well bc i have 4 of them already lol.
  27. King

    Angel Fish

    20" tall 13" deep 48" long. i have no plans on breeding.
  28. King

    Angel Fish

    IF i do angels they are going in a 4ft 55gal with basically just some pictus catfish, red minor tetras, and a big pleco. i wasnt sure if you had to have males or females or pairs or what. just trying to get more info to base my decision on :good: anyone else know about angels?
  29. King

    25Gal Aquarium Coffee Table - What Filter?

    i was skeptical about it but once i saw it i knew it was going to be cool. tank looks way bigger than 25gal, if i were to "guess" i would say 40gal. gonna fill it tomorrow and get it up and running :good:
  30. King

    25Gal Aquarium Coffee Table - What Filter?

    i just got a sweet big coffee table aquarium and the only thing its missing is a filter. they had an undergravel in it but i dont know if those work as well as a power filter. i was thinking about putting in an internal whisper 40 in there. what do you think?
  31. King

    Fresh-Water Newbie

    i check it and the ammo is lower so its just slowly getting cycled i guess. i also raised the temp in the tank :good:
  32. King

    Angel Fish

    i wanted to see if anyone had any info on angel fish. i am considering doing angels in my 55 and read that they need to "pair" up and all this. i was thinking of doing 6 of them. i have alot of the fish in the 55 gal re-homed and ready for something that will grow halfway big and look good in...
  33. King

    Fresh-Water Newbie

    well going by how i cycled the last 29 its just taking alot longer and nothing is really changing. i moved a bunch of stuff around and shook the filters a little.
  34. King

    Fresh-Water Newbie

    so ive been trying to cycle this 2nd 29gal and its not really working. the ammo is just sitting at 2ppm for like the past 3 days. i used dirty filters and have had this running for a week. the first 29 was pretty easy and it worked out perfectly. not sure whats up.
  35. King

    Fresh-Water Newbie

    ok i got the one i needed working :good: tank is now in cycle :hyper:
  36. King

    Coy Goldfish, Dwarf Blue Gourami, Tiger Barbs

    ok i got the one i needed working :good: tank is now in cycle :hyper:
  37. King

    Fresh-Water Newbie

  38. King

    Coy Goldfish, Dwarf Blue Gourami, Tiger Barbs

    how do i prime?? they are the regular power filter style, they hang off the back and have the tube that goes into the water. i need to get one running asap!!!