Goldfish Dying?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2011
Reaction score
Roanoke, VA
i have 2 big gold fish and they arent doing too good, they are just kinda floating pointing down and not really moving around much. i put some crawfish in there a week or so ago but not sure if that could have anything to do with it. water is perfect. they look like they are turning purple/maroon on their underside, what is going on?
How big is the tank, how long has it been set up, details of filtration and water changes? And can you post the actual numbers from the tests, please?

In the meantime, as an emergency measure, do a 80 or 90% change; leave the fish just enough water to swim upright and see how they look then. I'd guess an internal bacterial infection caused by poor water quality; that's what 90% of goldies health problems turn out to be.

Crayfish are a very bad idea in tanks; they will catch and eat fish if they can, so those need to be taken out ASAP; species tank for those things.
the water is perfect test wise, its just the 2 goldfish and 4 crayfish in a 37gal, PLENTY of filtration, and they have been fine in there for 6-7 weeks. put the crayfish in about 2 weeks ago. yesterday is when i noticed they didnt seem to be doing good. did a 30% water change a week ago just to keep the nitrates at basically 0 and cycle in some new water. its gotta be some kind of sickness they have gotten or something because they have been champs through ALOT of stuff.
Try a course of an anti internal bacterial med; Myxazin is what I always use.
petsmart have it? should i still do a massive water change? ive stepped it up since we last talked, i now have a 125g and 67g salt predator tanks. ive got a good collection of cool predators. working on turning that 37 into a reef tank for my wife. :hyper:
I have no idea if Petsmart do it, I only have the one LFs near me, an independant...but it's a standard med; should be easy to get.

Always do a massive water change; I do 80 or 90% the second I even suspect something is amiss.
Good luck; I hope they get better soon.
yeah after it was all said and done i decided just to keep them bc they were cool and never found a suitable home for them to stay together and be healthy so i set up that 37 so they could have their own tank. im up to 6 now with the addition of the salts lol..

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