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  1. K


    That's part of any catfish's nature, to clean up dead stuff. Gross, I know; but, in nature there has to be a clean up crew or we'd be in a nastier world than we already have. (Thanks to human intervention. If we leave the animals to do their job, things would be a lot cleaner.) Sorry, in...
  2. K

    Mass suicide or did we do something wrong ??

    There is a "5 in 1" test strip available in most pet store that sell fish. It checks ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH, and I think, water hardness.
  3. K

    angle fish

    :*) Sorry, I saw barbs and freaked. Then,,,,,,,,,,,,I re-read it. :*)
  4. K

    Mass suicide or did we do something wrong ??

    :no: You didn't do a total water change did you? One bit of advice though, never change your filter and do a water change one the same day. It totally wipes your bacterial colonies that you need to keep a balanced ecosystem. Secondly, only siphon 25% of your water and replace it with water...
  5. K

    angle fish

    :no: Big whopping NO! The barbs will nip the feelers off of the angels. I have neons with my angels now and they don't bother each other, possibly because they have room not to run into each other. But, the angels don't pay any attention to them. I may have to move the tetras later if the...
  6. K


    What other fish are in the tank?
  7. K

    ammonia stuff

    If you don't have fish in the tank now, I wouldn't even use the stuff. Just let it cycle until ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates read 0 ppm. Then, add your fish. Usually that type of treatment you are talking about changes the ammonia to harmless chemicals, but will still read as ammonia on...
  8. K

    Angel Fish and the others

    As a general rule, angels don't like to be in the same tank with fast swimmers. And barbs are notorius for nipping fins. Mollies will do it, too. Check out this site for compatible groups: Compatible fish groups. Just scroll down the left side to Compatible Fish. It's worth printing and...
  9. K


    Add me to the crowd! If I could and hopefully can eventually, start over and find homes for the mollies and tetras, I would have nothing but angels and gouramis. Wonder if Kuhlis would get along with this bunch? Have to look it up.
  10. K

    cory catfish

    Mine don't eat the algae wafers either. I have tried various veggies and they don't bother that either. They do eat flaked foods (containing algae meal) that floats to the bottom. They don't really school as bottom feeders. They do play a lot and don't hide during the day or at all really...
  11. K

    algae problems

    Just remember to supplement them with algae wafers because after they get your tank clean, they may starve to death if you don't.
  12. K

    cory catfish

    Chinese Algae Eaters to be exact.
  13. K

    cory catfish

    You've got the wrong fish! Otos don't bother other fish. I think you may mean something else.
  14. K

    New aquarium

    I measured my 10 gallon. Yours has double the area. I'm just guessing, but it sounds about around 20 gallons. I know its annoying for me to suggest.........., but you could figure it out when you add the water to it. :*) Maybe enough more so to have to count all those buckets. Maybe you...
  15. K

    my angel

    Your Wal-Mart has nicer angels than mine!!!! They are beauties. I end up rescuing any that WM has because they don't take good care of them and most are sick :no: I'm a sucker for the underdog. :*)
  16. K

    cory catfish

    Whoa! I switched to Otos after raising Bristlenosed plecs. Otos are more active and my tank is clean of algae. And they must be getting enough to eat cause they are much healthier than when I got them. They don't like algae wafers though. Lots of fun to watch. Would advise at least 3 per...
  17. K

    Odd behavior..

    My Otos do it, too. Only when they get tired of going up and down, they go across. Whee!!!!!!!! :fun:
  18. K

    Never again!!

    Wal-Mart here is the same. I complained about the fact that for every 3 fish I bought, I developed ich and died after the 72 hour warranty they have. AND, there is only (usually) one person in the department who is knowledgable about fish. The rest are college students that aren't interested...
  19. K


    One thing with bubble wands/bubble curtains is that they tend to get stopped up with stuff? after a while. But, they are prettier to me and its worth it to clean them off occasionally (as I like to change the scenery in my tank). As for the long bubble stones, they make larger bubbles and the...
  20. K

    Should I take them out?

    Any plants you could add to give them something to hide in? Or could you cycle another tank until they are big enough to return to the pond? I think if you return them now, they will be eaten by the bigger fish.
  21. K

    New Girl Here

    :hyper: Hey, Bamagirl. I'm just north of you. This is a great site! You'll love it. Roll Ride!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. K

    What do you think could have killed my fish?

    13 cats! My kind of person. How long has your tank been set up? Don't depend on lfs to do your testing. Some have people who know what they are doing and some just pretend to. Buy your on test kit. There is a type of test strip that does 5 test in 1 strip. Tests for ammonia, nitrites...
  23. K


    :hyper: It worked! :hyper:
  24. K


    Hit the quote button in the post you are reading? I don't know, but thought I'd try it.
  25. K

    Male fancy attacked by a pack of females??

    IMO, I'd set up a 10 gallon a least and use the 5.5 for a quarantine tank. Your fish may be fighting for territory.
  26. K


    It changes. Mine has free fish photo ads. :hyper:
  27. K

    how big do guppies and mollies get-----?

    Most mollies, around 3 inches.
  28. K


    MountGuppy, try gourami. It gives simple advice and lots of info ie. tankmates. Type in fish for your search and gouramis.
  29. K

    Fishless Cycling Question

    Julie, what kind of ammonia did you use to cycle with? Read both sites under smb's post. I think the alternative method may help you out.
  30. K

    New Tank

    :*) Ah, I found it. It's on smb's signature at the bottom. Fishless Cycling.
  31. K

    New Tank

    One week is not enough time to cycle your tank. Purchase some 5 in 1 test strips that check for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH, and water hardness. And check out this site for fishless cycling: Tom's Place - Aquaria at it's best. (Courtesy of one of the older fish enthusiasts on this site...
  32. K

    Black Molly from Hell!

    It would help if you put another female in the tank with them. Usually 2 females to 1 male. And a 5 gallon tank is really too small for mollies. General rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon.
  33. K

    how big do guppies and mollies get

    Can't say for guppies as I've never had any, but my info says most mollies get around 3".
  34. K

    My new mollies like nipping all fishes

    Don't know if it helps, but I have 1 female that is sweet and serene and another female and a male that together nip and chase all the other bigger fish. They don't bother the tetras or ottos. Personally, I think they are hyper!
  35. K

    Keeping posts on track

    I don't think you guys ever got your questions answered and by this time it may be too late, but I'd like to know how your fish are. Sorry, your posts got interrupted and led off track. So, in order to leave the petty griping about our various intelliegence :crazy: , and get back to your...
  36. K

    My fish looks dead:(

    Must be why many don't use it. I do though, and keep it recharged. An old habit from when I kept plecs and goldfish. Maybe the the reason it made a difference in chemical levels. But, I think the point we all have made is keeping a check on your on individual tank's water parameters. In...
  37. K

    OK, what do I do now

    Just curious, moose. How long you been doing fish? And BTW, sumetymes wen we tipe we tind 2 git n a hrry............. :D :P You need to chill. We are mostly amateurs, trying to help each other by sharing previous experience and if by my many mistakes, someone else can be helped, then, so...
  38. K

    My fish looks dead:(

    In changing the filter, I meant that it may be overloaded and not removing chemicals anymore, therefore........lordmoose, not removing NH3 and H2S. This is if you have a carbon filter, not just filter floss. And.........if you don't stir up the gravel this're not messing with...
  39. K

    My fish looks dead:(

    Try. Check your water parameters and maybe someone can give you more info. I would put in a clean filter and let the water settle down. If the ammonia levels are still high, siphon of some (25%) of the water, but don't stir up the gravel.
  40. K

    My fish looks dead:(

    Exactly. Read my above post.