Search results

  1. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    Went to another specialist fish store in Lisburn this time; they said to use Fendamizole or whatever its called. From what I know that is in the Kusuri Worming Agent, so I went ahead and bought that. As it will kill any snail in my tank I went on an "ark hunt"; I dug up my substrate and got as...
  2. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    My local vet laughed when I told him about my fish this morning; advised me to just go to the LFS (even after I told him about the possible Camellanus worm infection). I'm not sure they take fishkeeping as seriously in N. Ireland as they do elsewhere ¬_¬ UPDATE - My LFS doesn't have anything...
  3. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    UPDATE - I can't get a picture of these red things anymore (as they've completely disappeared) but heres a picture of the Discus in question. I should note that these were literally taken 5 minutes before I posted this message. Can any of you see any symptoms or signs of parasites or internal...
  4. Mr Melt

    Introducing Hannibal....

    The firemouths are going out tomorrow; the Angels are very peaceful (despite their natural aggression) and the others mind their own business really. Can only really see trouble coming from the Firemouths and the Red Breasted Acaras.
  5. Mr Melt

    Discus Problem Again

    Glad to hear it worked out well for you mate!
  6. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    #106###. I've heard all about Camellanus - I've also heard that nearly half of the products that treat worms are useless against it. Also, it seems that whatever it was has now dropped out of him; could it just be normal faeces or is it defenitely Camellanus? Because most of my fish seem to be...
  7. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    Allright lads; I've had my Discus Nero for quite some time now (some of you may remember problems I was having with a former tankmate of his, but that has been dealt with and removed). I was just looking at the fish when I noticed that my Discus had red stringy poop coming out of his anus...
  8. Mr Melt

    Introducing Hannibal....

    Thanks for the kind replies all =) @ HannahBear - I picked his name because my other fighting fish is called Caesar =P
  9. Mr Melt

    Introducing Hannibal....

    Allright lads; I was just up at the LFS there buying some liquid c02 and a few more swordplants, when I noticed a rather interesting fighting fish out of the corner of my eye. Needless to say I fell in love with this colorful #29### the moment I laid eyes on him; anyways of course I bought him...
  10. Mr Melt

    March 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    UPDATE - Just added another picture of my tank there; thought it was more fair to take a more recent one rather than an old pic ;)
  11. Mr Melt

    Bad Bloodworms?

    Dead on; thanks for the replies!
  12. Mr Melt

    Bad Bloodworms?

    Allright lads; The other day I was in P&H buying food for my fish; decided to get bloodworms from there (for the 1st time). Anyways the journey home took so long that I think the food was kinda melted by the time I got them in the freezer. Anyways, I just took a few out of the freezer there to...
  13. Mr Melt

    March 2012 Fish Of The Month Competition Entries

    My fighters called Caesar too........ =P
  14. Mr Melt

    March 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    Thanks for making my pics visible Ludwig =P
  15. Mr Melt

    Eheim 2213

    Well since buying the 2215 I haven't looked back; the thing is silent. I can even get a good nights sleep! Hint to those interested in a 2213 (or who have just got one) - keep the receipt of purchase; you MAY need it =P
  16. Mr Melt

    Balloon Rams?

    Yep mate; got 2 electric balloons right here. They can be a bit shy at times (eg. they don't come to my hand when feeding them, but that may just be a matter of time). They're also VERY colourful - here's a photo of them here:
  17. Mr Melt

    Is My Balloon Molly Pregnant?

    Wow - I just learnt an awful lot right there. I know balloon mollies are controversial, but I just felt sorry for her (and her male counterpart) sitting in a Pets at Home tank all miserable and lonely =/ So what would be advised as the best course of action then?
  18. Mr Melt

    Is My Balloon Molly Pregnant?

    Allright lads; I recently added a female balloon molly to my big tank (which already contained a male balloon molly) in an attempt to give the male some much needed company. Anyways its only been a week, but I could have sworn the females belly was less "obvious" when I got her. Heres a few...
  19. Mr Melt

    March 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    Good. Higher chance of me winning =D
  20. Mr Melt

    Aggressive Discus?

    Least he's recovered from the stress somewhat =P My LFS (who I got him off) advised re-arranging the tank, and taking him out for a while, then putting him back in to see if it eases aggression.
  21. Mr Melt

    Aggressive Discus?

    Well the original discus was fine on his own; very lively and colorful. I should add that the discus ARE in a community setup, so they aren't alone per se.
  22. Mr Melt

    Aggressive Discus?

    So I should basically get rid of my aggressive Discus then? 4 more discus will not fit in my tank =/
  23. Mr Melt

    Aggressive Discus?

    I should add that the tank water parameters are all fine; 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and 5 nitrates. Temperature is 26C/78F. Using an Eheim 2215 - so the current is quite strong at times (especially when coupled with my airstone). Both discus are juvenile (ie. about the same size as a tennis ball or...
  24. Mr Melt

    Aggressive Discus?

    Allright lads; I recently got a new Discus (Plato) to accompany my current one (Nero). Both are Turquoise tank-breds (also bought from same shop/seller). Nero's acclimatisation to the new tank went off without a hitch (hes been in there for 2 months without problems); however Platos was not...
  25. Mr Melt

    My First Ever Fish Tank

    Love the setup mate! Whats your stocklist?
  26. Mr Melt

    March 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    Try copying the direct link of the photo from the photobucket website, then when your creating a post on this page click on the "insert image" option. Just paste the photo link into the thing and your sorted ;)
  27. Mr Melt

    Electric Blue "balloon" Rams?

    Are the black lines not a female trait in GBR's though? Just did a bit of reading myself; assuming of course that the Electric Blues show the same traits as their fellow rams =P Thanks =D
  28. Mr Melt

    Electric Blue "balloon" Rams?

    PS - can anyone sex them? I know they're young, but I just wanna make sure the LFS didn't shaft me (as I specifically asked for 2 of the opposite sex) ¬_¬
  29. Mr Melt

    Electric Blue "balloon" Rams?

    Theyre about 2cm in size atm. Similar in body size to my large cherry barb :-P They'll reach normal GBR size (like roughly 3 inches). Dunno how long that will take though! I plan to move them to my big tank when they get bigger :-)
  30. Mr Melt

    Electric Blue "balloon" Rams?

    No I fully understand your feelings, but I just don't agree with your stance is all; doesn't mean I don't respect them either ;) Anyways for all those interested heres a picture of the both of them (bloody nightmare catching a decent shot I should add - they love to dart all over the place ¬_¬):
  31. Mr Melt

    Male Dwarf Gourami.

    Not a problem. Keep me updated mate!
  32. Mr Melt

    Dealing with pest snails!

    Is it strange that I'm in a dilemma - I don't want to kill innocent snails, yet they're definitely breeding in my tanks...... =/
  33. Mr Melt

    Devil Lava Snails? Needless to say they look fantastic: would love one or 2 of these in my aquarium. Only problem is that there are no forums that I can find that...
  34. Mr Melt

    Electric Blue "balloon" Rams?

    If needs be I could make a wee video of them tomorrow, to show you their behaviour......
  35. Mr Melt

    Male Dwarf Gourami.

    Are there any sharp objects in the tank (be it stones or the bogwood) that he could have jagged himself on? Its hard to see from the picture but it could be a cut from him being startled in the middle of the night (for example my Discus are easily startled, and every now and again I will hear a...
  36. Mr Melt

    Moor With Eye Missing?

    Thanks; I'll give him a wee treat of bloodworms for the next 2 days too - his favourite food should perk him up =)
  37. Mr Melt

    Moor With Eye Missing?

    Allright lads. This morning I woke to find my black moor swimming about as normal..... except one of its eyes was completely gone. After I got over the shock I immediately added a high dose of Melafix. After carefully examing the wound it seems that it was literally sucked out: there are no...
  38. Mr Melt

    Electric Blue "balloon" Rams?

    They are perfectly healthy and fine fish; there is no irresponsibility involved here! Your comparing my keeping of these fish to placing Malawi's in with Goldfish or something! I chose them purely because I've wanted electrics for a long time, and they looked amazing. Both my tanks contain non...
  39. Mr Melt

    Electric Blue "balloon" Rams?

    I can see where your coming from but I can't agree. These fish are not bred to survive in the wild; they are purely tank fish. If I see evidence that they are indeed suffering in some form or other due to their breed then I will happily take your stance; at present I see no indication that my 2...