Male Dwarf Gourami.

The Taffy Apple

Fish Herder
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
SA12, South Wales, U.K.
Good evening all, hope this thread seeking help/advice finds you all well. Noticed an 'open sore' on the right hand side of my Male Dwarf Gourami today, got me a little worried.
Nothing has been added to the tank recently, whether it be new inhabitants, medications or chemicals.
I am very regimental with my water changes, with 50% being changed every weekend.
Latest full test results; Ammonia 0, NitrIte 0, NitrAte 30/40, PH 7.2.
Tank temp 25-26 (i have raised it to 27 as soon as i seen the sore, in the vague hope his own metabolism would kick in)
The tank itself was fully cycled (fishless) 11 months ago, current stocking (and tank) can be seen in my signature.

Does anyone know what might be wrong with him? I am fully prepared and expecting to remove him into his own little hospital tank and start a treatment of medications as required,



Anyone able to share any advice?
After keeping a very close eye on him for the past day, he is showing all his usual signs of his healthy self. His appetite is as usual, as are his poo's..his characteristics haven't changed at all (IE; he doesn't hide or shy away from anything) and still believes he's the main man in my tank... :lol:

Any help highlu appreciated,

Are there any sharp objects in the tank (be it stones or the bogwood) that he could have jagged himself on?

Its hard to see from the picture but it could be a cut from him being startled in the middle of the night (for example my Discus are easily startled, and every now and again I will hear a plop in the water while I'm trying to sleep =P). Maybe he could have gashed himself off a stone after being startled by one of your barbs or something =P

If hes acting his normal self I (personally) wouldn't do too much at the minute; just monitor him and keep an eye out for any odd behaviour.

PS - Has his sore healed yet (or shown any signs of healing)? If so then spot on =P
Thank you Mr Melt.

He does sometimes get 'freaked' out and there is the possibility he could have caught on the bogwood (it does have some pretruding contrasts to it!). the sore itself doesn't seem to have healed at all in the last 24 hours and, as you mentioned, as his behaviour hasn't changed at all maybe it is best to continue keeping a close eye on him.

Appreciate the reply,

Anyone able to share any advice?
After keeping a very close eye on him for the past day, he is showing all his usual signs of his healthy self. His appetite is as usual, as are his poo's..his characteristics haven't changed at all (IE; he doesn't hide or shy away from anything) and still believes he's the main man in my tank... :lol:

Any help highlu appreciated,


Ouch, that looks nasty. The fact that he's acting normal is great, I'd think it's most likely some kind of wound then and not an illness, yet. If it wasn't a gourami, melafix would be in order but I don't think you should use it. I'd be prepared to start fighting off some kind of secondary infection that's likely to come. Keep the water extra clean to keep bacteria down. If you can, you should probably put him in a hospital tank for a few days to keep others from pestering him and let him heal.
Quick update- he continues to show all his usual characteristics, appetite is as per usual and the wound itself seems to be healing ever so slightly, it is not quite as red as it was this morning, so fingers crossed he is over the worst of it.

Thanks for the replies,

Quick update- he continues to show all his usual characteristics, appetite is as per usual and the wound itself seems to be healing ever so slightly, it is not quite as red as it was this morning, so fingers crossed he is over the worst of it.

Thanks for the replies,


The fish immune systems seems to be fairly robust when it works. With a hole like that, be on the lookout for water buildup in the fish (dropsy). Also constantly be on the alert for secondary infections. You might want to put some salt in the water, it wouldn't hurt.
If it is healing by itself, great! If not... I recommend the miracle Ozarka water change for dwarf's. For some reason the mineral makeup of Ozarka spring water is spot-on perfect for DG's. B-) I know you think I am crazy right now, but I have actually saved my personal DG this way. I actually got the tip from my lfs who only puts Ozarka water in his DG tank. He told me that before his supplier told him about it he was losing 75%-80% of his DG's on arrival or within days.

Please give it a go if it looks like he isn't healing. He sure is a beaut of a powder blue. :wub: :good:

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