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  1. R

    my rabbits

    great bunnies what are they holland lops? i did raise bunnies with my daughter for about 5 yrs . last year i had to give them up till i get some land we just had to many and i live in a trailer park . i will how ever get them back when we get moved...those r pretty bunnies though
  2. R


    well, just got off work checking this forum is so great.. still nothing going wrong with the new fish. they are doing great. as for the mom that has the oto in her goldie tank does she have the internet tell her to sign in here and ask those who know. we have goldie tanks full at my store not...
  3. R

    new fish

    well, as for changeing those out that often i would do that but most of the time i don't have them that long. most of the time i sell them in two days after i receive them . i don't keep alot of stock just for that reason they don't have to long to stay in those cups.. :) as for the others i do...
  4. R


    that would be great . i'll give them a ride on my new motorcycle.. :) check it out i will have new photos this weekend got to update that .. inchworm glad to see ya still here.. if you guys have any request for new fish like i said we are doing the fish of the month thing now tell me what you...
  5. R


    rdd don't forget to go to service desk and get the letter to the president it will help on top of the talking to the store manager.. also thanks for listening. i have those store # 's and i will send them in to home office. i do what i do cause i love my job and the animals. as for the lady you...
  6. R

    new fish

    ok as for my bettas they get water changes everyweek and i keep dates on them so i know what day i got them and that way if they don't sell soon i don't order more till these little guys get a good home. we hand out betta info too. as for frogs i only carry the dwarf frogs and info on them...
  7. R


    so true bettamomma , i agree to a certain point about the carring about animals and doing the research .. i have rescued several animals along with the fish also.. i am a big animal lover as is my assoc.s i get upset when i hear that someone has sold one of my fish when i am not there because i...
  8. R


    well, i understand all your frustrations but not all walmarts are like these letters i have worked for walmart for 10yrs. and i am a pet lover so when i took over this dept. 2yrs ago i did alot of research about the fish we carry and pets that i would be helping my customers with also. i have...
  9. R

    new fish

    i run my fish dept. in my store and i take care of the fish as do my assoc. that work in my dept. i am the dept . manager and i expect everyone to take care of the fish as if they whould a cat or dog of other animal. our tanks stay clean and if we have dead fish we find out why. we do not carry...
  10. R

    new fish

    why what is wrong with clown knife fish they are cool looking and doing very well in my tanks at work... i would like to know more about them .. i have very little info so far on them..
  11. R

    new fish

    these look really cool the ones we got look just like the pic's on that link. only thing is all the ones we got in all died within a week.. lost 12 the first time and 24 the second even tried them in the cold water tanks.. don't know what went wrong won't get those again cause to many death's ...
  12. R

    new fish

    hello all sorry it's been awhile. just to update you all walmart has decide to give some other fish a chance so we can get some heartier fish in so not some many death's will happen anymore. 1st month-dojo loach 2nd month- albino channel cat and a clown knife fish anyone have info on these fish...
  13. R

    new fish

    hello everyone sorry it has been awhile since i was in last.. just wanted to update you guys and get your opinions.. 1st new fish for walmarts new fish of the month was a fish called a dojo loach it didn't do well at my store but some stores did ok with it. can someone tell me more about this...
  14. R

    Hey everybody

    well here is the other one.. they are 2004 honda shadow aero 750 that is the blue one and the other is mine it is a 2005 yamaha vstar 650 classic
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  16. R

    Hey everybody

    Hello , everyone well, sorry haven't been online much lately but i talked to inchworm and she suggested i put my new toy online so you all can see.. this is just the beginning.. i am on the road now and lovin it..hope you all like it.. mine is the black one...
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  18. R

    I want to say thanks

    Well, i want to start with a thank you for all your help here in this forum.. i got through the mess of lossing losts of fish thanks to all of you here.. also i want to say my store has bet the sales in the district for about 4 months' now and we did $1017.oo this last week.. also i have...
  19. R


    sorry it took so long to get back but i don't get online much right now work and all.. holidays are on us there.. but thanks for the input moved the tinfoils in with oscar the other day and they are doing great...
  20. R


    can the tinfoil barbs go in with my oscar ? He is lonely anyways i heard they could go together...
  21. R


    ok thanks for the info they are indeed two really big tinfoil barbs... yeah, i got it right... lol ok next i read the artical but have another question if i may. i have a 55gal with one red oscar in it. can tinfoil barbs get along with oscars if they are almost the same size?i am afraid these...
  22. R


    i saved a few fish lives today but not sure what these two are? they are about 6 inchs. long and silver and have red fins and tail... ? can't remember what they are a little help please...i think they are tinfoil barbs does that sound about right?
  23. R

    Question on something I heard

    i would not take that advice from your lfs .. but i would go back and let that person know what you have learned so he doesn't make that mistake with someone who may not know to ask anything different... i know if i made that mistake i would sure like someone to come back and let me know that...
  24. R

    A Good Betta Friendly walmart

    hello all i am newish to the forum and i work at the lwm and i am the dept. manager there.. i am learning from this forum about all the fish i can.. betta's are my best sellers and well, if you have a suggestion please feel free. as for those other wm go you can help them do a better job if you...
  25. R

    new shippment of betta's

    Hello to all , just a note to let you all know here in the austin area. i just got a new shippment in and i ordered 54 this week cause i usally order 27 and they sell out before i get the new ones in.. lots of nice ones in several are clear and white two of my favorites are these clear ones that...
  26. R

    PLay sand?!?!?!?

    don't know if you got your sand yet but, i got pool sand in my tank and it is great not much to clean it was already when i got it.. i got it at home depot and lowes carries it too. only like $4 for 50lb.. it is sterile sand has alot of trash in it at least the bags i got once did..
  27. R

    pleco's 12inch's and 14''

    :/ well, the two pleco's i had in my oscar tank died .. one two days ago and one today.. not sure why but my guess is the oscars beat them up till they could not take it any more...all that is left is one convict and two big bully's
  28. R

    update contest and tiny tim

    well, i have to tell you we went to the talent contest this weekend at the local farm store and my daughter won 2nd place and $50 for tiny tim the turtle.. and my grandson one 1st place in the cutest animal contest there and $100 so we did pretty good there since this is our second yr. we will...
  29. R

    Here is the tank you all helped with...

    not plecos i just have plants and convicts in there right now.. hope to find that one i wanted that i saw in someones thank was stripped with blue and black stripes... it was a bright blue too.. i really liked it wished i could find the photo i saw it in so i could have you guys help me...
  30. R

    Hey Everyone

    welcome newbie :kana:
  31. R

    New Fishcustodian

    welcome to the tff... cat fish i am fairly new here myself and these people will really help when you need ..
  32. R

    easiest plants to care for

    this is what i put in mine and the two types we have at the store and i have only had them like 2-3 weeks and they are like 1 1.2 inch.s already.. i love them i even put some in the tanks at work to show them off..
  33. R

    Couldnt believe what i heard today

    well i got to say i work for a lfs that only wants money but i refuse to sell anyone fish till i know they are going to a good home.. i have refused fish 3 times this week because someone came in a got a fish tank to set up at the same time and wanted fish.. so , if this person cares then she...
  34. R

    Unknown plant again

    it is a lily of some kind i have a few in my tank too.. but i got mine as bulbs and i am growing them .. also have some at work that have already gotten like about 1/2 the size of yours.. pretty hope mine turn out that good..
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  36. R

    Here is the tank you all helped with...

    here we go one or two more
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  38. R

    Here is the tank you all helped with...

    here it is again hope to get all these shots i took in here
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