PLay sand?!?!?!?

Several methods are used including putting it in a bucket and running a garden hose into it to wash the sand but my preferred method is a small bowl or bucket half filled with sand then filled 3/4 up with water and hand washed then drained carefully. It gives you more control and better rinsing but it's slower.

The sand in a bucket with a hose is faster and in more bulk but you have less control on cleaning it and I don't think you get it as clean that way but that's just me.
Rough estimates on the weight and depth. Sand being sand, it's not easy to measure :p

A rough estimate is better than me going out and getting way too much sand and having to build a sand pit for the rest :D
Although my little boy wouldn't mind :fun:
Definitely not more than 30 pounds and only if you want a really deep substrate. I'd say 15 pounds should do it, though you'll likely find the bags only in 50 pound sizes. I haven't seen 20 pound ones before.
Aquascaper said:
Sorry to hijack but has anyone got any idea how much sand would be needed to do a 30g?
just over 1 bag from argos ; )

get 2 - they are only 2.50 and you'll have some to top up the tank with as you will remove some when cleaning.
I am changing to sand myself some time soon and i just looked at that argos sand, and it looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to bright dudes!!! your fish will think there being abducted by aliens!!! I also had a go with builders sand the other day but that was way to dirty after like 3 washes, so i think silica sand is the best, well im going to ask my pet shop when i next pop in next week :)
!guppy! said:
I am changing to sand myself some time soon and i just looked at that argos sand, and it looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to bright dudes!!! your fish will think there being abducted by aliens!!! I also had a go with builders sand the other day but that was way to dirty after like 3 washes, so i think silica sand is the best, well im going to ask my pet shop when i next pop in next week :)
You can mix it with balck sad to get a darker effect. I personally like the lighter sand but I have a lot of plants and wood in my tanks.

I don't notice any fish not sitting out on it. Even my plecs do, although that tank is a lot darker.

cheers for advice dudette, am finking am going to keep my 10g gravel as its already just got established, and when the 4ft tank comes in hopefully no mroe than 2 weeks i will make that sand for certain :D
Just had a major dilema today at the LFS :S

I went in to ask about sand and the lady there showed me some of the tanks that had sand in, some that had black gravel and some that had natural gravel.

Now i don't know what to do :crazy:
Go with what you think is best-you can't over-think something so take your time

also about the silica sand, I heard that it can get caught in cory's and other catfish's guills and irritate them possibly they can die from it...?

I've seen a 50 lb bag of pool filter sand for 8.99 but I think that is expensive
Compared to the normal $10-15 for a 10 pound bag at an aquatics shop? The thing on Silica sand is bogus. Almost all sands are silica and my sand has never caused a problem with any of my fish. I have 11 Cories and not one of them has even a hint of illness or breathing trouble from the months they've been in the sand tank.

If anything gravel is more dangerous than any kind of sand for Cories because it's more likely to wear their barabels down and cause rot.
don't know if you got your sand yet but, i got pool sand in my tank and it is great not much to clean it was already when i got it..
i got it at home depot and lowes carries it too. only like $4 for 50lb..
it is sterile sand has alot of trash in it at least the bags i got once did..
i work at a place that sells like flowers, and trees etc. they have 50 lb. bags of either "play sand" or "regular sand" for 3.99 (US$) a bag. i've been told that the only difference between the two is the color.

plant stores and nurserys would be a good place to look cause i bet its cheaper than at fish stores. :)

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