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  1. M

    Melafix And Torn Fins.

    I had read that table salt was fine for the little buggers. And yes I'm seeing amazing results. The bug huge gash in Mystic's tail is healing backup faster than oyucan say,"...........ummmmmmmmm............uhhhhhhhh...........derrrrrrrr......" :P I'm not going to add anymore salt but continue to...
  2. M

    Bettas And Cichlids ?

    definately right. I believe cichlids are too agressive with the betta and vica-versa.
  3. M

    Betta Housing

    thats good for a betta compred to the temperatures I get in my house. Even if you think it's small, it's beter than those BTD (betta torture devices) or those small cups. You know, I had a friend who had a betta live in that cup that they come in for almost a year?!?! I was astonished when he...
  4. M

    Betta Housing

    your cold with 75!!!!!??????? I have it at 68 and I'm hott :shifty: hott :P :P :P :P j/k j/k :shifty: but I think the thing you'd have to worry about is summer. Maybe turn off your heater ofcourse. But I think that the bowl would be sufficient and good if you keep it nice and...
  5. M

    Anybody Got Good Websites For Buyin Bettas?

    hopefully this helps on this site they say its uncompatible...I'm personally not sure
  6. M

    Some Betta Questions

    For your image, make sure it has [img ] .................... [/img ] (no space) to make it viewable to the public. And congratszz on the new betta. Hope your befriend it and it befriends you. As for those brown scales, that's pure colouring. Both of my bettas have that and I believe its called a...
  7. M

    Getting A Betta

    well you could put a bit of the water in a container and let the betta stay in that for the night...let the water sit out in some random bowls and cups :P untill you have enough for the kritter keeper and then tmrw morning/afternoon, put all the water into the kritter keeper then transfer him...
  8. M

    Anybody Got Good Websites For Buyin Bettas? is the best in my opinion
  9. M

    Melafix And Torn Fins.

    ok the pictus is gone and doing well in the LPS which he was donated to. Does more salt create better results for torn or damadged fins? I heard it keeps bacteria away and instantly kills it.
  10. M

    Getting A Betta

    Do you have AquaSafe or some dechlorinator?if so, you can put one or 2 drops in somewhat warm or room temperature water from your tap. I personally am not sure avbout spring water being harmful but I would expect it not to be
  11. M

    Getting A Betta

    A little messy but that won't have to be done if you poke holes big enough for debris to be sucked by a filter meaning it'll never have to be cleaned too much. And you can replace the bottle very quickly with another 2L bottle that could be precut and pre-fixed prior to changing him :P He'll...
  12. M

    Getting A Betta

    not at all...unless (no offence meant at all) your the person that just opens the lid and drops the food. I personally opened the tank, fed the fish, making sure they all ate, and the bottle had the wide opened top screaming, FEED ME PLEASE!! :P It actually wasn't that hard to take care of and...
  13. M

    Getting A Betta

    You may not like the idea or look, but how about a 2L bottle inside of the 10g you have suggested in your signature? You may not like that idea but it's the cheapest and most effective way and holds approximately the same amount of water as those critter keepers. Only downside is that they're...
  14. M

    Got A New Betta At Petco!

    afishdude...see if u could get a betterpic or 2 of your betta so that we can see his true colours :) Hopefully he's still doing good :) :good:
  15. M

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Very helpful. Thank you very much
  16. M

    Melafix And Torn Fins.

    ahh ok clear now..thank you Glod. Another question. I removed the pictus and added approximately 3/4 of salt (meaning it's now 1 teaspoon). I already see results of the fin rot going away and starting to heal the betta ( THANK YOU SOO MUCH). Should I add more to get quicker results? Oh and it's...
  17. M

    Got A New Betta At Petco!

    Sorry, sorry, sorry. I just knew my bettas would hurt them and maybe kill them because of past experiences. No other fish were injured and all the fish were fine. Louise, sorry but I don't need you always picking at me in every thread I post about. So you can lay off. I raise fish the way I want...
  18. M

    Betta Housing

    t.ropical_m.istx3, you meant live a small little bowl with a few things to make it look acceptable? Well try to make sure it's square or rectangular shaped so you can, if wanted, insert a small heater and a filter. Try to aim for a 1-2 gallon and to make it has a background so that the...
  19. M

    Betta Housing

    not tupperware containers as in those tiny little ones. Heck no. It's more of a container that has a decent depth and a long surface for an easy swim. But it's still in the experiment stage to get good temperatures and where and lids or no lids..etc.
  20. M

    Post Your Betta Pictures!:p!

    very nice "red betta" :P lol but yeah my parents dont want me getting anymore bettas because they say they're ugly fish!!!! I almost slapped them :( Bettas are some of the nicest fish a nooby beginner fishkeeper like me could have :blink:
  21. M

    Betta Housing

    I've always wanted to put a betta in a tupperware container or such, just to test it out. My house stays at 68-74 during the day and approximately 64-67 during the night....brrrrrrrrr.....too cold...but I could get a heater :shifty: but where could I put the betta :angry: bad parents don't let...
  22. M

    Got A New Betta At Petco!

    again louise :rolleyes: I didn't say that I feed them to it did I? No because I know my betta will, just because I do. And you know what fishdude, if your betta isn't harming them, SCREW WHAT PEOPLE SAY and put the fish back in. As long as the betta doesn't hurt them, he should befriend them...
  23. M

    Betta With Fry Update

    and louise you rat, you dont have the decentcy to shut ur mouth. We raise fish different from you. Eh I'm 14, I don't live in my own home making my own money or I would have tons and tons of tanks right now and a full betta barrcks system. So b4 u go ranting on ppl about their fishkeeping, keep...
  24. M

    Betta Surprise

    very cool and a good way to get rid of snails :P
  25. M

    Got A New Betta At Petco!

    lol again :rolleyes: afishdude, my betta will kill and eat a live platy inch and 1/2 depends on the betta..I guess his betta is ok...for now
  26. M

    Got A New Betta At Petco!

    surprised he hasn't hurt them yet :P HAPPY NEW YEAR Looks like a regular Royal blue veiltail...nice job..looks in good condition
  27. M

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year, Full of nice bettas and good luck !!!!
  28. M

    Melafix And Torn Fins.

    I didn't quite understand that. And I don't want to injure the pictus so I lowered the amount.
  29. M

    Betta With Fry Update

    I was planning to upgrade anyways so for the pictus, size wasnt a problem
  30. M

    Post Your Betta Pictures!:p!

    Glod, still looks really good. From certian angls, I would'nt even notice the tail :P
  31. M

    Melafix And Torn Fins.

    Thanks Wilder! I added 1/4 of a tablespoon of salt into the 10g so that the catfish wont be in harms way. He's being removed anyways. How many times a week should I do this? Oh and it's to prevent and cure a little bit of fin damage in my bettas.
  32. M

    Betta With Fry Update one likes whenever I experiment with my fish and you know what, I don't really care. It's not like it's impossible to happen. What ever happens happens. So you do the same, don't worry what people are going to say. And of course in reply to the platy fry and betta, that's good to...
  33. M

    Pictus Catfish

    ok ill return him :( but thanks everyone...saved me a betta or 2
  34. M

    Dividing A Tank

    i used suction cups to hold my plastic canvas in place
  35. M

    Sample 8 Ray Female Hmpk

    very very goegeous little girl..wish I could get a female she a cambodian? Sort of looks like it :P But nice betta anyways.
  36. M

    Petco Shockers!

    my wal-mart almost always ONLY carries combtails. I asked if they ever had crowntails or SD or HM or VT and they said they did but these sold better and faster and they say it lasted longer :shifty: BS :P But yeah that's how I also got my Mystic combtail
  37. M

    Post Your Betta Pictures!:p!

    lol bad pics but here it goes anyways
  38. M

    Pictus Catfish

    sorry guys he was moved into a 10g and he's only 2in long...for now..the betta merely looks at him and flees, knowing he'd outmatched. I made a few caves for him in my tank and he seems to enjoy staying there. But as was advised by all of you, when he reaches 3in, he will be returned or sold to...
  39. M

    Melafix And Torn Fins.

    Thanks also Wilder. I thought my bettas were just normally like that but it seems to be fin rot...thanks alot :hyper: ...O but a question, Both my bettas have pinholes in their finnage...they're in a 10g divided (5g each)..with a pictus catfish...will the catfish be ok with a little bit of salt...
  40. M

    She`s Getting Better!

    oo ok that sounds good....sorry about the bad pic :P have you ever tried putting plants suctioned cupped to the side of your tank? IME, my bettas with swim bladder really enjoy it. Suction the plants about 2in of the top of the tank on either side. Hopefully, they'll realize that they can lay on...