Melafix And Torn Fins.

I did have but since I've updated the computor some of the links don't work.
One tablespoon to a gal I think.
You mean add some salt to his aquarium water alongside the bacterial treatment ? Or take him out and put him in a stronger salt solution dip for a few minutes before returning him to the tank ?
A salt bath as don't know what you keep fish wise in the tank.
If he's in mood lol leave him tonight.
Isn't it a strimp they don't tolerate salt anyway.
I have isolated him into an empty 5.5 UK gallon tank that I just got from the pfk offer. So for now he's the only fish in that tank and will be so until he's on the mend. I moved him rather than take risks with treatments on the otos and shrimp in his own tank.
Having trouble pinning down an amount of salt, something like a teaspoon per gallon long term or a tablespoon per gallon for 15-30 mins, does that sound right ?

*edit - found this link : That look ok to you Wilder ?
Sorry went to open a bottle of wine.
One tablespoon to his tank, one tablespoon to every 5gal.
Get some of his tank water and add the tablespoon of salt and stir well till it disolves, then add to the tank.
Sorry went to open a bottle of wine.
One tablespoon to his tank, one tablespoon to every 5gal.
Get some of his tank water and add the tablespoon of salt and stir well till it disolves, then add to the tank.

Okay, the salt has been added, he's currently giving me the evil eye :wub: . I'll need to remember to stick a silk plant in tomorrow so he has something to rest on. He likes his cave but he's used to resting on the plants, hehe.
Giving me the evil eye bless him :lol: , good luck.
The tank is on my computer desk right next to my monitor, so he's right there watching everything I do, swimming a few laps, poking around a bit then back to watch.... I think he likes the extra attention, lol.

*edit :- Happy new year by the way :) And thanks again for the advice.
Thanks Wilder! I added 1/4 of a tablespoon of salt into the 10g so that the catfish wont be in harms way. He's being removed anyways. How many times a week should I do this? Oh and it's to prevent and cure a little bit of fin damage in my bettas.
Thanks Wilder! I added 1/4 of a tablespoon of salt into the 10g so that the catfish wont be in harms way. He's being removed anyways. How many times a week should I do this? Oh and it's to prevent and cure a little bit of fin damage in my bettas.
You only need to add the salt once. Until you replace the water it will stay in the tank.
Yes thats right, only time you add salt again now it when you do a water change and just add the correct amount to the water removed, say a gallon not quite a teaspoon.
say a gallon not quite a teaspoon.
I didn't quite understand that. And I don't want to injure the pictus so I lowered the amount.
She means if you do a water change, add the correct amount of salt to the water you put into the tank. So if you change 1 gallon of water, add a bit under a teaspoon of salt to that first.
Of course if you're using more or less salt you need to adjust accordingly :)
ahh ok clear now..thank you Glod. Another question. I removed the pictus and added approximately 3/4 of salt (meaning it's now 1 teaspoon). I already see results of the fin rot going away and starting to heal the betta ( THANK YOU SOO MUCH). Should I add more to get quicker results? Oh and it's 2 bettas in a 10g with both a little bit of fin rot with freshly changed water
No catfish can tolerate abit of salt but not alot, good luck.

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