Post Your Betta Pictures!:p!

This is my male
View attachment 40181

I need to get some new pics of the girls as they have filled out since the last pics

hes similer to barry (barry the betta :D ) same tail type (i think?) the middle of the body is almost the same colour (barrys is a touch more purple) his head and rear body are deep red/purple his fins start off red/purple and turn very light blue or white looks really nice but i can only get terrible blurry photos :angry:
I've heard it best not to have the tank light on.
Raggy he is just over two years old, got his name as his tail is a bit ragged looking.

This is my male
View attachment 40181

I need to get some new pics of the girls as they have filled out since the last pics

hes very similer to barry (barry the betta :D ) same tail type the middle of the body is almost the same colour (barrys is a touch more purple) his head and rear body are deep red/purple his fins start off red/purple and turn very light blue or white looks really nice but i can only get terrible blurry photos :angry:

Mines more purpley greeny bluey than he looks and has black masking and clear ends to his fins. If yours is from an lfs hes probably a VT mine isnt a VT he's a delta tail from a hm and a pk parentage.
This is my male
View attachment 40181

I need to get some new pics of the girls as they have filled out since the last pics

hes very similer to barry (barry the betta :D ) same tail type the middle of the body is almost the same colour (barrys is a touch more purple) his head and rear body are deep red/purple his fins start off red/purple and turn very light blue or white looks really nice but i can only get terrible blurry photos :angry:

Mines more purpley greeny bluey than he looks and has black masking and clear ends to his fins. If yours is from an lfs hes probably a VT mine isnt a VT he's a delta tail from a hm and a pk parentage.

iv got some better betta pics lol





hes actually a fair deep deeper/darker colour but im just glad a got him in focus hehe
I got this pretty guy yesterday...prettyest in the bunch ^_^
didn't realize crown tails were more expensive..although i saw some crowns in the regular bunch...somebody might get lucky ^.^

he tends to keep his fins flared all the time...wonder if he sees his reflection :huh:


i got another beta, just the common tail, a couple weeks ago...similar colors of course....
I bet you can guess wut my fav color is? :nod:

i go a cure blue vt and a lovely yellow vt.Sorry cant get photos but ive never seen yellow ones before.Hes always on the move!
Finally getting back into betta's with mine finally staying alive and now in a 5.5 planted tank. excuse the quality of the pics, it's only a 10$ camera and he keeps moving and it's hard to take moving pics.



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Hello Stang,
Your Legolas and my Mr Bojangles look related...dont you think?

Hello Stang,
Your Legolas and my Mr Bojangles look related...dont you think?
You're right, they do look incredibly similar! :lol:
Except Mr Bojangles has built a beautiful bubble nest and Legolas hasn't bothered yet!
Here is a pic of Rocket a couple of weeks ago. He's damaged his tail at the moment and is moping around in my spare 5g so not in the best shape for pics :wub:

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