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  1. M

    Betta Acting Funny

    grind up his pellets in half..not powder-ish but smaller...hope hes ok :good:
  2. M

    Music Soothes Betta?

    I had heard stories of people having their betta doing the "happy betta dance" and moving to certain types of music. So I experimented. I put the betta about 1 foot away and kept the music at a decent level. I put many different types of music but when I put on the song "Sexy Love- NeYo", he did...
  3. M

    New Betta- New Owner

    Thank you keith! Finally some1 got my message through. I didn't want to ranted o nas I always do so I was waiting for that person who would take my place :) Keith is absolutely right. If it was settling in, he would be exploring and maybe a little listless, not butting head on gravel or going up...
  4. M

    Albino Betta

    never heard of albino betta but I do wish that he continues to do well and it isn't anything of a serious nature.
  5. M


    thanks again glod...nice aviiee by the way :) Looks to be very healthy
  6. M

    How Much Melafix For A 1/2 Gallon?!?!?

    glod, thanks for reminding me it'll take time. I'm just so anxious to make it all better :P . I use 3 diffrent products so regrowth is quicker.
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    lol wing it....UI wing almost all of my medications :P at least for the 1/2 gallon :P
  8. M


    k kthxx ima buy it much should i add to a 1/2 gallon hospital
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    but iheard people use epsom salt for baths and stuff :S for their bettas ofcourse ;)
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    How Much Melafix For A 1/2 Gallon?!?!?

    EDIT: kk so I added a drop or 2 of elafix and I already see some regrowth in his fins. There is now a white, clearish ends to his fins which I believe are the fins regrowing (I hope). The giant gash in his tail seems to be the same but it does look lik the in rot has minimalized.
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    everyone, is coarse salt ok for a tank? I tried finding epsom salt but I didn't see it anywhere. They didn't have aqua salt either :( EDIT: Found epom salt. Now if I wanted to add some to the tank to heal some wounds, how much for a 1/2 gallon?
  12. M

    How Much Melafix For A 1/2 Gallon?!?!?

    i literally use 1 drop or 2...this is my only hospital tank
  13. M

    How Much Melafix For A 1/2 Gallon?!?!?

    how uhc
  14. M

    Temperature, Food, Lighting Etc.

    not at all apolgies sent to you
  15. M

    Post Your Bes Livebearer Pics Here!:p:p

    lol my livebearers are ugly :(
  16. M

    Temperature, Food, Lighting Etc.

    stang, I wasn't trying to be rude or all. I just believe that cycling doesn't have to be done whe the fish is already in there as that can harm the fish :P I didn't mean do it at all. Obviously you should cycle your tank but when a brand new fish is in the tank probably days after his arrival...
  17. M

    In The Bottom Of The Betta Tank...

    I don't know myself but would surely want to know because I too have that! Will the plants even live if there is no substrate (I believe that's what it's called)? Thanks and I would hope so
  18. M

    Temperature, Food, Lighting Etc.

    just make sure evrything is low and you'll be fine...don't worry too much about just happens with water changes and stuff stang, dont mean to put you down, but try not to bog the kid with tons of info about cycling and stuff. Just let the tank go, tell him about the nitrites and...
  19. M

    Temperature, Food, Lighting Etc.

    Seems like your doing a good job. An opinion on those 7 questions you asked earlier: 1) Yes definately. You won't need the assistant of a light, if it was providing heat. It also helps with those chilly nights that I have as well. 2) He needs about 1-2 inches off the top for enough air. I...
  20. M

    Hanging Bowls

    no keep ranting, you're taking some of my anger out too. It's soo bad the way they treat bettas and BTD (betta tortue devices) are just so bad.
  21. M

    Signing A Petition Against Youtube

    The undersigned agree that videos showing or containing footage of Betta's (Siamese Fighting Fish) fighting each other untill death is immorally wrong, cruel and is against state law that will be enforced if not removed from the website.
  22. M

    Bettas Fighting On Youtube

    YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES.............AND YESSSSSS THIS PEOPLE SHOULD BE CONDOMED FOR WHAT THEY'RE DOING. It's not only immoral, it's insane. No one would wan tto be caged up and fight a tiger so why would they do that to fish? They think bettas are the gum under your shoe in the fish...
  23. M

    Betta Housing

    guys i know I just went behind all our your backs but i put the betta in the 1/2 gallon. He has a terrible rip in his caudal fin about 1inch long and a bit of fin rot. I'm treating the water with Jungle- Fungus Eliminator (which kills off the fin rot) and a 1/2 teaspoon of salt (which is...
  24. M

    :-( One Of My Girls Has Dropsy

    i hope and am pretty sure that he didnt go through much pain at all. RIP lil betta
  25. M

    Post Your Bes Livebearer Pics Here!:p:p

    this isnt the best but its a pic of 3 of my livebearers
  26. M

    Bettas And Platies?

    guaranteed a meal...or seriously stressing them, causing death. You're better off without the platy fry
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    Jungle Fungus Eliminator Good?

    one of my betta's has some pretty bad finnage in his caudal fin. He has a giant tear appproximately 1inch long and some nasty little fin rot. Does this actually work?
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    :-( One Of My Girls Has Dropsy

    again zoe, like I first posted, you did your best. The Fishie God above all of us could'nt have asked for more. You did exactly what every other person on this forum (except dogfood) would probably do, which is to isolate her. Euthanising would obviously be the final stage in life when the pain...
  29. M

    My Gupps And Platy Wont Eat

    hmm thanks alot...I was thinking of making another divider, which I always do, but I don't have suction cups. Todays my water change day. So I'm going to put the platy and gupies back into the tank and try getting my betta with a serious injury into the bowl. It's good for both of them because...
  30. M

    Betta Housing

    ok thanks for bringing that up....I was thinking of putting my betta in a 1/2 gallon bowl...water changes would be every 2 days? Good or bad? Room temperature is relative moderate (68-71)
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    :-( One Of My Girls Has Dropsy

    omg so sorry to hear that. I hope she clears up :( So sad to see them get dropsy. IEEEEEE!! Hope everything works for the better. Here praying, Matt
  32. M

    My Gupps And Platy Wont Eat

    guys i have a serious problem. My 2 female guppies and a platy are kept, IM SO GOING TO HELL, in a 1/2 gallon bowl :( Plz dont ridicule. I know it's small but I can't buy bigger and I have no room for them. But anyways, I put a bit of flakes everyday (twice a day) but they seem do just watch...
  33. M

    Jungle Fungus Eliminator Good?

    guys need help here
  34. M

    New To Bettas World

    hope everything works for the best. Seems like your doing everything right. Welcome to FishForums
  35. M

    Post Your Betta Pictures!:p!

    I checked the Net currency exchange..I was wrong as wel as £6.00 is exactly $8.97 american and $9.77 Canadian. That's a fairer price than $14 :) Thank you Zoe for poiting out my mistake
  36. M

    Jungle Fungus Eliminator Good?

    any good for bettas?
  37. M

    Post Your Betta Pictures!:p!

    thats about 2 dollars US..4.5 dollars canadian..I'd say that was a good price
  38. M

    Post Your Betta Pictures!:p!

    TigerIssey...he is, as presumed, a crowntail and a VERY nice crowntail indeed. His finnage seems to be in great condition. Very nice grab
  39. M

    Bettas Fighting On Youtube

    i support the stop of this supposed sport. These people are doing it just to entertain themselves but they end up with 2 badly damaged bettas or 1 dead and 1 dying. This is cruetly and inhumane. Lets see if those jerks would like us to shove them in a cage with a tiger. No escaping and people...
  40. M

    Some Betta Questions

    very cute lil guy. Looks (from w.e I could make out) that he is a nice royal blue Veiltail. He looks in good condition and you put in a good sized home. Does it have a filtration system? And whats your room temperature?..It looks like your doing a great job :) Keep it up!!