Search results

  1. natwood

    Coral Beauty With Damaged Gill?

    Ever since I got my Coral Beauty, almost 3 weeks ago, it's had an unusual wound on the side of it's head. It was fine in the LFS and then as soon as I got it home I noticed it had a damaged gill, so I'm assuming this happened when it was caught in the net before bringing it home. It's really...
  2. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    No, I got a striped shrimp. I've not been able to get a genuine peppermint as I've not seen them anywhere.
  3. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Yep twinstarzeon I agree with what everyone said. I'm totally happy with the way everything went so smoothly with my tank. I think it's best to do the tried and tested method that seems to get the best results. There's not much point in rushing into it like your LFS suggested, that could just...
  4. natwood

    Clownfish Sexing!

    Yeah there's a TMC in Manchester. P@H uses TMC. I noticed when they were introducing new fish.
  5. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks Ben. Yeah I think maybe that's what happened. I've noticed now that it's tail has a little nip in it too. Must have happened at the LFS too. I'm sure it will be perfect soon ^-^ Yeah, think I'll have to resort to ebay for this tube. Cheers.
  6. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Does anyone know where I could get some acrylic tube from? I need about 50cm of fine acrylic tube, approx 4cm diameter so I can use it as a syphon. I've got a large syphon, and a rubber tube but neither of them seems very practical for cleaning to substrate. I just end up sucking up tons of sand...
  7. natwood

    Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

    That's such a shame it didn't work. Nice video. Looks like your clownfish hang out in a similar place to mine. Haha.
  8. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks Seffie. I'm really pleased with it. It's eating well too. Just the gill on the right side of it's head looks different to the one on the other side of its head. Mabe I'm just being over-cautious. Haha.
  9. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Finally managed to get some shots of my Coral Beauty. I'm a bit concerned about one side of it's head. When I got it, it didn't have any marks on it, but after adding it to the soon as I saw it the next day (which was the first chance as the lights had been out since adding it to my...
  10. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    It was £33, which I thought was really good. Was expecting them to cost much more. She/He Seems to have settled in quickly. The lights are still out, but almost straight away it was hanging out with the cleaner shrimp and even let them clean him/her..which I'd never seen before and was almost...
  11. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Just got back from my LFS with a coral beauty! It's gorgeous. Orange with purple fins. Acclimating at the moment. Pictures will follow in the next day or so!
  12. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks for your help everyone. Yeah the Coral Beauty was the pygmy angel that I liked the look of the most. I'm going to my LFS to get water in a bit, and I'm going to take a look at what they've got in. And btw..I just wanted a black fish mostly because I love the black clowns, but as I can't...
  13. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    That's a shame about the black clownfish. Is there any other nice small black fish that I could get? I really want something black and another one that's blue. I was thinking of an African Pygmy Angel for the blue fish, but I don't know of any other fish that are black and stay small. I'm still...
  14. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Yeah I was looking at those light units. I think I'm gonna leave it a bit longer and just do a lot of research whilst I wait patiently (or at least try), lol. I already have a couple of little bits of coral that sneaked their way in on my live rock, they're all growing quite fast though. My...
  15. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Just got back from my LFS with 3 more turbo snails. 1 more Trochus and 2 more Margarita. I saw loads of really nice coral though, so I've got a feeling it won't be long until I start to crave a bit of coral in my tank. Haha, you did all say it wouldn't be long before I caved in! What would I...
  16. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've realised now that both my shrimp seem to be carrying eggs. I'm guessing they're both just male/female at the same time. Thanks for that Ben, I'll take a look at ordering them test kits. Also..I keep turning off my pump every night for about 15mins to let the slower invertebrates get a...
  17. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    This last week I decided to skip the water change to see what effect it had on my tank, as whenever I've done a water change, it hasn't seemed to affect my water. I've just done a test and here are the change! sg: 1.026 pH: 8.1 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 10 I'm going to do a...
  18. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Ok, thanks for that. I've noticed a few times night when the lights are out in the tank and just the lamp in my room is on..the corner of the tank nearest the lamp is swarming with little round bugs. They're not the white copepods that are on the glass 24/7..they're like small 2mm balls...
  19. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Ah right that's good. What kind of number should I aim to keep my nitrates at?
  20. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks for that Harry. I've been having a read about Mangrove plants too.. sounds like they do a similar job.
  21. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Clownfish are doing well. Both seem to be fairly well settled in and love frozen brine shrimp. My orange lip conch caused a bit of a landslide last night with my rocks, so I've have to rearrange a couple at the end that fell over. The conch really powers it's way through all the sand. It's so...
  22. natwood


    I got my 2 clownfish this week and they are both staying under my pump in the day and next to my heater at night. One is more adventurous than the other but I'm sure they'll settle in soon ^-^
  23. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Yeah they're both only about 1-inch long, can't wait to see them get bigger. Haha. That would make sense. My salinity dropped to about 1.021 at one point so I've gradually raised it up to 1.024. One of my cleaner shrimp did have a few black spots but they came off when it shed. Maybe the next...
  24. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I decided to keep my striped shrimp in the end, all the LFS round here sell them so I didn't want to go around telling them that they weren't suitable for marine tanks (or so I've heard). Today I've spotted it with a big dark patch on the side of it's head though. It keeps itching itself too. Is...
  25. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've got my skimmer running now.I think I'm going to cut the tubes a bit shorter as there doesn't seem to be any need for them to be sticking out that far into the tank. I'm pretty sure one of my turbo snails is dead though unfortunately. It hasn't moved in 2 days, I've got it out and poked it...
  26. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Looks like they're both going to be fine. The lights are still out at the moment, but this morning the one that was poorly-looking last night is swimming around all the rocks and looking happy. The one that was fine all the time is right up at the top of the water swimming along the edge. Looks...
  27. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks for that Ben. It perked up, then rested and now it's perked up and seems the same as my other one. They've both split up in the tank now, I think they might have lost each other, lol. I've got the lights off. Put some frozen brine shrimp in before when it had perked up as my shrimp needed...
  28. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Tonight I got 2 clownfish and an emerald crab. I've just been acclimatising them for nearly 2 hours, checked all my levels in the bags and tank and they were all perfect. I've just added them all to the tank and immediately one of my clownfish has tucked itself into a rock and doesn't look very...
  29. natwood

    New Deltec Mce 300

    Lol, ok, thanks for that Seffie. I've turned it off for now. I've got my 2 clowns now though, so just drip acclimating them. When should I start the skimmer running, or should I just leave it on?
  30. natwood

    New Deltec Mce 300

    All that I can find to adjust it is the airflow on the airline tube with a valve. Maybe it's because I have no fish in it. I will do later this evening so I shall see over the next few days!
  31. natwood

    New Deltec Mce 300

    I've just set up my Deltec MCE 300 that arrived this morning. I've followed all the instructions but no foam is reaching the collection cup. Is this something that will happen in a few days or should it be doing it now?
  32. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    My Deltec MCE 300 arrived today so I've just been setting it up. Right now I've got it right in the corner with the degassing plate right up to the glass. Is this ok, or does it need to be away from the glass? It doesn't fit any futher along because the bulbs in the lid get in the way of the...
  33. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I think one of my turbo snails is dying.. Since I got them, one of them moves around a fair amount and the other is quite slow, but a few days ago I found one had fallen off a rock onto the sand and was on its back. So I turned it over and over the next day it edged towards the glass but didn't...
  34. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've decided that tomorrow I'm going to my LFS to get 2 clownfish, 1 emerald crab and 1 peppermint shrimp ^-^
  35. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Ah right, thanks for that. I think I'll just start with my 2 clowns for a while. I'm sure they'll bring me enough entertainment for a long time! lol.
  36. natwood

    New V2 Compact Skimmer

    I've just given in and bought a Deltec MCE 300. Lol. Everybody seems to rave about them, managed to get a brand new one for £132.99.
  37. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Just ordered myself a new Deltec MCE 300 Skimmer. Had loads of trouble trying to get a second hand one so gave in and treated myself to a shiny new one. Can't wait to get it as I can get my fish then! Didn't want to get fish until I had the Skimmer set up. ^-^ (Check out the pics on page 10 by...
  38. natwood

    New V2 Compact Skimmer

    I'd really like to know about the V2Skim 300 compact skimmer too. I've got a 125 litre as well and am having trouble getting a second hand Deltec MCE 300. Would be grateful if anyone who's got one of these new skimmers to post here and review it ^-^
  39. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Just done my Sunday routine of checking the levels. About to do my weekly 10% water change too. Here's my results: Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 3 I've taken a few pictures of things that are going on in my tank at the moment. As well as the suspected bubble algae. I love the orange-lip...
  40. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've just noticed that I've got 2 green blobs on my rock which looks very much like bubble algae. Should I get an emerald crab to take care of this, or just pull it off?