Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

I've just got an orange lip conch! Yay! Wanted to get some other snails from my LFS but they only had turbos in and I was after ceriths. Glad I managed to get my conch though. I'm just acclimatising it at the moment so I'll put pictures up when it gets settled in.

Ah cool Nat! Did you get some pellet food for it?
Not yet. I've ordered some from ebay (the one that you recommended with the green lid) but it's not here yet. I think it should be here tomorrow though ^-^
I've just noticed that I've got 2 green blobs on my rock which looks very much like bubble algae. Should I get an emerald crab to take care of this, or just pull it off?
get a picture of it then we can tell you if it is. but whatever you do dont pull it off because if it is bubble algae they will pop and spread spores. so you will have loads of them.
Just done my Sunday routine of checking the levels. About to do my weekly 10% water change too. Here's my results:

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 3

I've taken a few pictures of things that are going on in my tank at the moment. As well as the suspected bubble algae. I love the orange-lip conch. It's the weirdest looking thing ever! Haha. It just cleared off a load of algae from the glass too which is great.






Just ordered myself a new Deltec MCE 300 Skimmer. Had loads of trouble trying to get a second hand one so gave in and treated myself to a shiny new one. Can't wait to get it as I can get my fish then! Didn't want to get fish until I had the Skimmer set up. ^-^

(Check out the pics on page 10 by the way, I have a habit of double-posting at the moment. haha)

Here's a bit of a stocking list:

1 x Peppermint Shrimp (for aptasia)
1 x Emerald Crab (for bubble algae)
2 x Sexy Shrimp
2 x Red Leg Hermit Crab
3 x Cerith Snail

2 x Clownfish
1 x Mandarin Fish
1 x Pygmy Angel (possibly)
1 x Blenny (of some sort)

How does that look so far?
Yes indeed, a nice stock list - you will need to have a mature tank and a pod culture though for a Mandy - but it is do-able :good:

Seffie x
Yes indeed, a nice stock list - you will need to have a mature tank and a pod culture though for a Mandy - but it is do-able :good:

Seffie x

Ah right, thanks for that. I think I'll just start with my 2 clowns for a while. I'm sure they'll bring me enough entertainment for a long time! lol.
I've decided that tomorrow I'm going to my LFS to get 2 clownfish, 1 emerald crab and 1 peppermint shrimp ^-^
I think one of my turbo snails is dying..
Since I got them, one of them moves around a fair amount and the other is quite slow, but a few days ago I found one had fallen off a rock onto the sand and was on its back. So I turned it over and over the next day it edged towards the glass but didn't do much else. Neither of my turbo snails particularly like the glass though, my Margarita snail loves the glass though. I tried putting it on a rock and feeding it some lettuce, but this morning I found it toppled off the rocks again.
When I get it out it doesn't smell bad like I've read it would if it was dead. But it doesn't seem to move when I touch it.
Does it sound like it's dying?
My Deltec MCE 300 arrived today so I've just been setting it up. Right now I've got it right in the corner with the degassing plate right up to the glass. Is this ok, or does it need to be away from the glass? It doesn't fit any futher along because the bulbs in the lid get in the way of the degassing plate.


I've got it running and everything now. Can I cut the 2 tubes coming out of it to be shorter? They're stopping me being able to put the lid with the lights on because they stick right out into the middle of the tank.

Right now it's hissing, humming and dribbling. Will this stop when it's settled in?

Actually, I think I've done something wrong. No water or anything is getting to my collection cup. Surely that's how it should collect stuff? Confusing instructions!
Tonight I got 2 clownfish and an emerald crab. I've just been acclimatising them for nearly 2 hours, checked all my levels in the bags and tank and they were all perfect. I've just added them all to the tank and immediately one of my clownfish has tucked itself into a rock and doesn't look very happy. In fact it's hardly moving. Is this normal or is it dying?
Hi nat, cant help you with the skimmer not had one of those.

As for the clowns, marine fish tend to show their stress a lot more than freshies. Being moved is on of the most stressful things for them. Leave it with the lights off til morning. Then if you can get some live baby brine shrimp and feed it them. They often stop feeding at first but they cant resist live brine. Once they are eating regular they are pretty much bullet proof. I wouldnt worry yet. Clowns are will know for yourself soon. they do rite daft stuff
Thanks for that Ben. It perked up, then rested and now it's perked up and seems the same as my other one. They've both split up in the tank now, I think they might have lost each other, lol. I've got the lights off. Put some frozen brine shrimp in before when it had perked up as my shrimp needed feeding anyway. The better one of the two ate a tiny bit but the other hasn't yet. Will try again tomorrow. I've got a feeling they'll be fine now though. Fingers crossed just in case.

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