Just got back from my LFS with 3 more turbo snails. 1 more Trochus and 2 more Margarita. I saw loads of really nice coral though, so I've got a feeling it won't be long until I start to crave a bit of coral in my tank. Haha, you did all say it wouldn't be long before I caved in!
What would I need to do differently to my tank if I wanted to keep a couple of corals? I'm going to start having a read about different ones. At the moment I've still got the standard lights that came with my tank, would I need to replace these or is there any corals that only require low lighting and still look really nice?
I've spent so much more on my tank than I ever imagined I would. Haha. Crazy.
Also, does anyone have any experience of keeping anemones? I read about keeping them once but I read that they're extremely hard to keep. Is that true? I'd love for my clownfish to have one!