Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

i think coral beautys cost quite a bit of £££££ but they are proberly worth it. also be carefull on how much cuc you get because once the algae is gone they might not get enough food.
Coral beautys should nt be that expensive I think about 25pounds but any of the angels "can be" coral nippers but my cherub never nipped there aee also Scissortail Dartfish this are black and silver but might be a bit big
dont no if your interested but i have a spare standard light unit which came with my second had rio 125, its well used and will need tubes but works and comes with the reflectors might be worth thinking about if your after more light.
i think coral beautys cost quite a bit of £££££ but they are proberly worth it. also be carefull on how much cuc you get because once the algae is gone they might not get enough food.

not very - £25-£35 depending on size and markings etc

Coral beautys should nt be that expensive I think about 25pounds but any of the angels "can be" coral nippers but my cherub never nipped there aee also Scissortail Dartfish this are black and silver but might be a bit big

stuff like flames are usually a 50/50 risk nat, but i think 99% of the time you would be safe with a coral beauty.

ps...morri show us a pic of your angel please :)
Thanks for your help everyone. Yeah the Coral Beauty was the pygmy angel that I liked the look of the most. I'm going to my LFS to get water in a bit, and I'm going to take a look at what they've got in.

And btw..I just wanted a black fish mostly because I love the black clowns, but as I can't get one of them I'd like something similar. Maybe I won't get a black one, I'm not too sure.

Also, I got some New Era fish food yesterday and my clownfish already eat it! Thought I was going to have trouble weening them off non-stop frozen brine shrimp. Haha.

Just checking all my levels are ok in case I end up getting a fish tonight.

Salinity: 1.026
ph: 8.1
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 5
Just got back from my LFS with a coral beauty! It's gorgeous. Orange with purple fins. Acclimating at the moment. Pictures will follow in the next day or so!
Nice! Ive been watching your journal in the background. Lovely fish, I want one when I get my system going.
How much was it? and we expect pics :drool:
It was £33, which I thought was really good. Was expecting them to cost much more. She/He Seems to have settled in quickly. The lights are still out, but almost straight away it was hanging out with the cleaner shrimp and even let them clean him/her..which I'd never seen before and was almost convinced they were killing it! Lol.
My CB spends all it's time swimming with my clowns until I get my camera out :) they sure are fast.
Finally managed to get some shots of my Coral Beauty. I'm a bit concerned about one side of it's head. When I got it, it didn't have any marks on it, but after adding it to the soon as I saw it the next day (which was the first chance as the lights had been out since adding it to my tank) I noticed it has what looks like a damaged gill. I'm not sure if it must hae happened when the guy at the LFS caught it jumped out the net into the tank at one point. Then I've thought, maybe my cleaner shrimp was a bit heavy handed with it? What do you's on the first picture you can see it..



And a picture of my emerald crab..

Thanks Seffie. I'm really pleased with it. It's eating well too. Just the gill on the right side of it's head looks different to the one on the other side of its head. Mabe I'm just being over-cautious. Haha.

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