George's Journal

Some of you will be aware that I have a minor green spot algae problem. It is limited to my Sagittaria platyphylla - I assume because it is the slowest growing.

I am pleased to know that it is caused by a deficiency in phosphorous which can be "easily" remedied via dosing with KH2PO4 (Potassium phosphate). Currently my PO4 measures undetectable (<0.25ppm) so I have ordered some KH2PO4. I will dose very gradually upto an eventual level of 0.5ppm. If all goes well then I may up it to 1ppm.

I find it somewhat ironic that in the past I assumed that PO4 = algae. Now I discover that too little PO4 can = algae.

Always learning!


  • spot.JPG
    31.3 KB · Views: 64
hi GF, my sag suffers the same - its the only plant in the tank that gets it. My phosphates are up at 2 so i think i'm just a bit over (opposite to you).

I'm currently lowering them slowly down to around 1.

phosphate seems more important reading wise as i thought - like you i was aiming at 0 :unsure:
gf225 said:
I am pleased to know that it is caused by a deficiency in phosphorous which can be "easily" remedied via dosing with KH2PO4 (Potassium phosphate). Currently my PO4 measures undetectable (<0.25ppm) so I have ordered some KH2PO4. I will dose very gradually upto an eventual level of 0.5ppm. If all goes well then I may up it to 1ppm.
Gah! I thought algae came from too much PO4 (at least in part). You know, this fishkeeping thing would be a heck of a lot easier if things had cut and dry (cut and wet?) answers! :p

My 29 has that green spot algae. I mostly see it on my Amazon Sword and the glass. My tapwater has a PO4 level between. 0.5 and 1.0 ppm. I just bought some Flourish Tabs. The available phosphate (P2O5) level is 0.17%. Perhaps these will help?

Thanks for the info!

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Cute m8, hows the sleepless nights lol , im just getting to the feed me every 4 hrs stage :D
Thanks everyone. She's almost sleeping through now. 8pm to 5 am is the best so far.

Anyway back to planted stuff. Here's a pic I've just taken. I'm pruning tomorrow.


  • jun23.JPG
    71.9 KB · Views: 69
Looking great George! As usual, just stunning.

You had mentioned somewhere that this summer you are going to a re-fillable co2 injection thing-a-ma-bob, and I'm wondering where you are getting that, and approx how much its going to set you back... if you don't mind me asking, that is.
canoechiq said:
Looking great George! As usual, just stunning.

You had mentioned somewhere that this summer you are going to a re-fillable co2 injection thing-a-ma-bob, and I'm wondering where you are getting that, and approx how much its going to set you back... if you don't mind me asking, that is.
Hi mate,

Sorry for the slow response - away this weekend.

I'm buying my refillable pressurized CO2 system from a UK shop that specialises in Dennerle gear - New Leaf in Knaresborough. I will cost about £130 to start with, that's approx. Canadian $280. Future plans are to install a pH controller - approx. £200. I'm sure you can find similar systems in Canada, if not definitely US. I've heard of Milwaukee systems, cheaper than Dennerle too and popular with you guys from over the pond.
Here's a photo just taken prior to my weekly maintenance session.

The regular addition of Potassium phosphate (KH2PO4) appears to be working well. I'm witnessing phenominal growth rates and the green spot algae has vanished.

I've also managed to squeeze in another 25W tube (Triplus) giving me 3.6 WPG. I'm only running this as an experiment though to understand more on my nutrient uptake rates. So far so good though, it's been in there for 2 weeks now with no trace of nuisance algae. Balance is good!


  • jul4.JPG
    74.1 KB · Views: 72
Id say "squeeze" in is probably an understatement....... :D

Interesting experiment, keep us informed.

Quick question, are you doseing Potassium Sulphate K2SO4 and if so, how much.

Or are you only doseing Nitrate and Phosphate.

zig said:
Quick question, are you doseing Potassium Sulphate K2SO4 and if so, how much.
No. I'm assuming there's enough K in the KNO3 and KH2PO4. My Dennerle ferts also contain K. I'm not seeing any deficencies so far.
I got some yesterday, its virtually impossible to dissolve in water just as a tip in case you do ever dose it, i might use it anyway, ive been reading up further about it, some dose it some dont, so mixed feelings on it.

Now i have to find KH2PO4, cant get it anywhere, but i got the KNO3 which is probably the most difficult to get over here due to regulations etc

So nearly there.

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