George's Journal

Just some updates and observations.

The plants are all growing well with no algae. I've experimented with a couple of things.

1) Lighting - As algae is non-existent I decided to take a risk and up my photoperiod to 12 hours per day for a week. I was running 5 on 2 off 5 on. Consequently growth increased and therefore nutrient uptake. If my kits are accurate then 50ppm NO3 and 10ppm PO4 was "eaten" by the plants. Previous uptake levels were 35ppm NO3 and 7ppm PO4 per week.

On the downside I saw Potassium deficiency symtoms in the polysperma and the front and rear glass became covered in a thin green algae - unlike anything I've seen before, quite easy to remove and a little slimey - NOT BGA though thankfully.

I'm back to a 10 hour photoperiod now for obvious reasons. The tank has gone back to "normal". Interesting results though, I'm assuming the algae on the glass was a consequence of potassium def. luckily no algae hit the plants.

I may decrease my to 3 WPG (from 3.6), hopefully resulting in less general maintenance (dosing and pruning).

2) A week later I decided to reduce KNO3 and KH2PO4 dosing down to less-than-half my normal levels (daily - NO3 5ppm, PO4 0.2ppm to NO3 2ppm and PO4 0.05ppm). Results were that after a few days the polysperma went pinkish (NO3 def) and my Sag saw a little green spot algae (PO4 def). Difformis showed brown spots (not sure def!) General growth slowed. The results were predictable but backed-up my belief that my normal dosing levels were good.
Hi gf225, glad to hear things are on track. funny you should mention extending the photoperiod. i've been thinking of loosing the siesta in mine but haven't the bottle to do it yet. i think i'll leave well alone.

you mention potassium deficiency, what are the symptoms? i have some very odd growth on my tiger lotus lillys. Two of the new leaves have grown very crinkled (the rest are perfect specimens) with bright green starshaped blobs across the leaf surface (not the usual varigated colour scheme, definatly a problem thing) i took some pics but cant get the angle to focus on them.

any ideas?? bearing in mind i only add Micro nutrients (Kent Botanic "Grow" and "FE")

Nitrate is 12.5ppm

i'm a bit lost as to the cause of the problem. i've since pulled out the effected leaves but it's still bugging me as to the cause.
Very interesting gf

Thats some serious intake of ferts, i only add 4ppm of Kno3 every second day to bring me back up to 10ppm, and so far im only adding about 1/2ppm of Po4 every second day, my uptake rate will probably increase as im only doseing the Po4 a couple of weeks now but so far it hasnt budged.

Great test it confirms a couple of things for me.

1. I had started extending my photo period starting today (just knocked the lights off when i read this :) ) i had been running trouble free with the 5 hours on 2 hours off 5 hours on again, and had been doing that photoperiod from the start, so it just confirms that im going to stick to that unless convinced by some groundbreaking research somewhere, i was going to do exactly the same as you have just done, a 12 hour non stop stretch.

2. It confirms to me how much control you have useing this method, especially with your second test.

Good stuff and yeah i wonder what the algae was.
That is interesting gf!

It just shows how quickly a tank can become unbalanced.

Did you adjust your dosing of micros at all?
iggy01 said:
Did you adjust your dosing of micros at all?

No. Stuck with my normal regime of using Dennerle A1 daily and S7, E15 and V30 with the 50% weekly water change. I didn't want too many variables with the experiment, with keeping micros constant I know that the macros were the cause of the defs and algae.

Another interesting experiment would be to keep everything constant except micros - I may try that soon.

Glad some of you are finding this useful/interesting.
Aussie_Star said:
gees im sry having been around these parts for a while and got some rading to do 15 pages wow, i just got some ferts form greg, great products highly recommend
Good to see you active again Aussie.

All the best with dosing - EI has completely revolutionized my thinking on fertilzation, Nitrates and Phosphates are not the enemy I once thought!
I'm getting excited. Not long now until I go pressurized!


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Are you counting down the days? looks good mate, i would tell you how good mine was if it were running :/ so when are you getting it?

I am seriouserly going to look at all this dry ferts stuff but i may use the ferts etc that i have up first and do some more reading

I take it yours are all going well?
Looks nice. Anyone know if all the co2 bottles use the same thread ?
(any idea what the thread is?)
jimboliana said:
Are you counting down the days? looks good mate, i would tell you how good mine was if it were running :/ so when are you getting it?

I am seriouserly going to look at all this dry ferts stuff but i may use the ferts etc that i have up first and do some more reading

I take it yours are all going well?
It's my birthday on 22nd Aug so I'll be getting it around then.

You're wise to consider dry ferts - I imagine with your lighting and CO2 they will be essential if you are to avoid algae due to N and P deficiencies. You should have enough K in your Dennerle ferts and KNO3 if you go that way. Personally I would order 500g of KNO3 and KH2PO4 now before you get properly started - it's cheap and should last you ages. Use the Dennerle fert range too as these provide your micros and K. For your interest I add A1 daily, S7, E15 and V30 weekly. I've run out of Pflanzengold-7 and TR7 and don't intend replacing it.

My tank is going well thanks. Algae-free and plenty of growth, I'm bored now though - time for a new layout soon.
With an overwhelming urge to get rid of my fast-growing weeds; Hygrophila difformis and polysperma I decided to rip the lot out! They were becoming a real chore to constantly prune and the whole layout looked real messy.

So I have three species left – my wonderful Java ferns (there’s a smaller plant to the right of the main “bush”). One observation on this plant is that although it is described as a low-light plant, it does really well in higher lighting (>3 WPG) and nutrient-rich water. Since I have started dosing nitrates and phosphates the growth has really improved and the leaves are no longer coated in the usual green spot/mat algae.

The foreground is carpeted with Sagittaria platyphylla, this is quite fast growing but simple to maintain – simply thin out once a week/fortnight by pulling out the ugliest plants and snipping off attached runners.

The plant on the right is Crinum calimistratium – it looks much nicer in the flesh and gives a nice delicate look.

Overall I’m happy with the new simple look – quite “Nature” I think. It will be much easier to maintain. Obviously I’ve changed my lighting and nutrient dosing to suit. CO2 remains at 30ppm but lighting has been reduced to just over 2 WPG (2 x 18W Dennerle, 2 x 18W Arcadia Freshwater). I’m yet to figure out my new dosing levels of KNO3 and KH2PO4, this will take a couple of weeks of testing and checking. I’ll stick to my 50% weekly water change and micro dosing, I’m hoping for “luxury uptake” to keep things balanced (EI fans will know what I mean).

In time I imagine I’ll change the Sag to a smaller plant i.e. Glosso and I’ll probably fill in the gap on the right of the ferns with a fine bushy plant i.e. Micranthemum micranthoides.

Nice and easy.


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