Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

They are horrible!

And they grow far too big.
No they aren’t! They are cute! Not the BNP, they only get to be 4in long.

My little Alabaster is very sad...

No they aren’t! They are cute! Not the BNP, they only get to be 4in long.

My little Alabaster is very sad...
View attachment 113284
That . . . is . . . disturbing . . . :oops:

Is it from the planet Earth?

(Have to admit, as it is obviously teeny-tiny, I would love it until it stopped being cute. I adore baby things. Then I would nag it mercilessly to clean its room, and complain about its friends, and tell it to take the rubbish out, until it got fed up with my complaining and joined the army or something and left home)
Huh? That is a home-grown blanched cucumber that I grew in my garden...
Of course it is (jealous you have a garden)
It's just he looks so comfy there on his waterbed, although I don't usually approve of eating in bed ...
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Most aquarium fish are said to be pretty good eating, if you can get enough of them together to make a decent mouthful. Or in the case of common plecos, if you can find one small enough to wrestle into the oven.
Most aquarium fish are said to be pretty good eating, if you can get enough of them together to make a decent mouthful. Or in the case of common plecos, if you can find one small enough to wrestle into the oven.
Me to fish market guy:
"How many endlers come in a pound?"
Fish market guy:
turns sign over to "closed!"
Huh? That is a home-grown blanched cucumber that I grew in my garden...
Now I’m hurt. :-(

Nothing to be upset about, don't worry! She just made a joke because the cucumber looks huge compared to the pleco, so it looks like he's sleeping on his food. And a water bed... get it? Nothing mean or serious, just fish humour!

Plus we're not all going to like or own the same fish species, there's nothing personal in it :)

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