75 Gallon

Long time, no update! I just added another piece of hardscape to the aquarium.
Just a note...
Since these could be wild caught bettas, you may have to prepare to treat them for some parasites infection.
Usually wild caught fish may carry some parasites with them.
Observe them carefully for the first 2 weeks.

After having said that, I realized that by right, the fish seller/exporters have ensure that their fish are free from disease before shipment.
But probably you can observe them for any symptoms of parasites as a precaution.
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Finally! Fish has been added! I decided to add five Trichopodus leerii to the 75-gallon for the time being.
View attachment 106958

Wow, you will be adding the same family of fish Anabantids when you add the Bettas.
Will it pose any problems?

Wow, you will be adding the same family of fish Anabantids when you add the Bettas.
Will it pose any problems?

It may or may not be a problem. The only way to find out is to try. And don't worry, I have a back up if things don't work out. :)
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