Sasha...I love how your uppies and all of your name sfor them! i see that you have an alantis style tank..ya I have a roman ruins style to mine!
Hill_billy0143 and I have been thinking about his next tank..I think its 70 gallons, well i was thinking his next one should be a massive livebearer tank like yours. Since he loves to breed fish and the livebearer family are the easiest. Does this sound good to you guys? I really love making new tanks but im all outa room so I gotta plan for hill_billy!
I don't know the name of the plants, but I'll find out when I go to the pet store. They were really cheap plants; $3 for a bunch of six individual plants or so.They are so EASY to care for! I have very low light (30 wattts for my 46 gallon) and the plants thieving! All I do is add fertilizer with every water change . . . that's it! This was my first time trying a planted tank, and I'm surprised how simple it is.