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I saw this on the net the other day and thought it was amusing


  • fish_cat.jpg
    24.6 KB · Views: 66
Ya...i dont have a digital camera either...I borrowed one from hill_bill0143 and the others I took was with my webcam....LILIANIO THATS HILARIOUS!!!! :wub: :lol: :lol: :rofl: Any pictures of your tanks or pics of u're fish or anyones elses is welcome...we just wanna see what people have!!! :D :hey:
As I said... i don't have a digital camerea and my webcam won't reach to where my tank is so I took at picture with my cheap ol' i-zone camera just to show the difference in the tank since I had those pictures taken the last time...Sorry for the quality I need to get a camerea real bad!!!! -_- :no: :hey:

EDIT: THIS IS MY 200th post! Im a fishaholic....I just can't live without fishahol!!!!!!! :D


  • MVC_052F.jpg
    5.8 KB · Views: 53
Also....I have also notice alot of people use sand in their that just regular play-sand or do they buy it from a lfs? Andn one more thing, Can you use it in UGFs and does it cloud up the water?

It's regular play sand, i'm not sure if you can use it with a UGF as i've never used one.
If you wash the sand thoroughly and add it carefully you can minimise the disturbance to the water clarity. The method i used was to put the sand in a bucket full of water and push the showerhead into it until the fine sand floated over the edge of the bucket and the water ran clear. Then to add it to the tank i used a 1 litre plastic bottle with the end cut off. Filled it with sand then unscrewed the top underwater to place the sand exactly where i wanted it.

stubby0143 said:
So...Does anyone else like to add pictures of thier fish! GO AHEAD!!!!

:hey: :hey: :hey: :kana: :kana: :rofl: :rofl: :whistle: :hyper: :hyper:
Come on everyone! If you don't post pics of your own stuff then post pictures of your favorite fish/tank that you have seen! :D
I'm pretty sure you can't use a under gravel filter with sand.

Anyway, I'll add a couple pics of my own.

Here's Deuce. Haven't named any of the females yet. I used photoshop to brighten up Deuce some so he'd show up better. Haven't yet figured out how to take great pictures of my fish yet.


  • deuce.jpg
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Thats a really cool tank WheelmanCA19....I was looking at your fish in your sig. and I noticed you had a el in there? How does he act around your fish? Looks good anyways...Im hoping to redesign my tank although I have only had it for like 3 months now... all my danios and guppies have died and my first plan was to have a huge jungle with little schoaling fish everywhere..Now its a rocky Roman ruins with the fish I have below in my sig. Could anyone tell me how to redisgin my 55? I really love my corys and was planning to get a pleco(so different kind) I kinda what to get rid of my parrots... Im running low on money to spend on fish and i need a cheap easy way to redisign this tank. -_- :/ :hey: :sly:
The eel is still fairly young, about 2 inches. During the day he's usually hiding under something, coming out everyonce in a while to swim around some before going to another hiding spot. He's more active at night. As I write this I look over and see him carrying around a ghost shrimp in his mouth. He doesn't bother any of the fish I have, at least not yet. I used to have two of them :rip: though.

As far as your 55gallon goes, I like the jungle idea. How to do it cheaply? That I don't know. I was able to get my "driftwood" and rock decorations on clearance, but it still seems like I spent a small fortune getting this tank up and running.
:) Her is my favorite platy, Sundance! She's the best fish in the tank to photograph. :D


  • Sundance.JPG
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