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Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2019
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This is a post for a tropical community tank that has not yet been put together. I had made a thread for my niece’s tank but decided to make one specifically for my own tank

We have a tank stand suitable for a 40 long or 55 gallon on the way. I’m waiting for the $ per gallon sale to buy the actual tank. Just would like some guidance before actually purchasing anything else, in case I get the wrong thing! Also I do have four cats (1 bengal) so making sure whatever I buy will not be easy to get into is important as well.

I was looking at two Aqueon 24” hoods & their 300 W pro heater.
I also want to tank to be heavily planted with Anubias, anarcharis, java moss, and I forget the last one but I have a list somewhere. Sounds good?

My biggest question: Do tanks of this size normally have a single hood? I found it difficult to locate 48” ones. I need to make sure the hoods don’t allow for any space because of my cats, but since I don’t have the tank yet I was really hoping someone that has a similar size can let me know so I don’t get them and find out they’re wrong (especially because there seems to be a sale ending today and I’d like to get the two hoods for under 60 if they’re appropriate). Will such a hood hold the weight of a 12 pound cat, should he get on top?

There is a 10 gallon tank as well that’s I just set up and I’m starting to cycle, which I want to use to grow plants until I get my own’s tank sorted & then transfer the plants into my big 40/55. Afterwards it can be the quarantine. I’m already making an effort to try and grow those betta bulbs in one of those mini beta holding tanks, but the rest will be store-bought plants or tissue culture. I do have a decent botany background but nothing in submerged plants. I’ve bought the fundamentals plant pack which has flourish, flourish excel, and flourish iron, to help them all along the way.

I was also wondering, if you add a bubbler to a larger tank can it be a small air pump power in it? Since it’s only bubbles? I was thinking of getting a 10 gallon tetra whisper specifically for bubbles, not as a filter, for the 40/55 tank, but wondered if that would be appropriate?

How much space do you want in your bio load? When I used aqadvisor I hit 60%-65% and considered stopping, but a friend told me I should add another school to my planned tank. I want to leave some room for mistakes and not overstock though.

Also I wanted a combination of sand and gravel. Someone in my family had an idea of holding the sand in some sort of tray to keep everything distinct and separated. Has anyone tried this? What material of tray works well?

I’m pretty methodical and research centered so if anyone wants to post links, bring them on! Give me those long articles! I’d love anything to help

I’m sure there’s gonna be a lot more questions posted as I remember them, so thank you in advance for putting up with me!
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Wow! That sounds like, a good plan!

(Just so you know the PetCo $ per gal. Sale is only for tanks 2.5-29 gal., all other tanks lager than that, are half off)

So you want to put like a sand path, and gravel, as the rest of the substrate? If so, you don’t need a tray, just use aquascapeing holders.

No, it needs to be the appropriate size air pump, in order to produce enough bubbles for the 45-5t gal. Tank.

Do you mean add another school of fish, in the 45-5 gal. Tank? Or the 10 gal. Tank?

The plants list do sound good, but I would suggest getting a carpeting plant (depends on what substrate you use, what where you planning on useing?). Also, I recommend getting Anacharis, with FLOURISHE, they should grow perfectly!

Uhh...I’m sure on the tank hood, I think usually tanks of that size have custom hoods, but I’m not really sure. How heavy are your cats?

Also, is your friend experienced in fish keeping? I usually have to know the stocking list, before I can tell you what your bioload will be.

If the tank hoods fit the tank size, and they are on sale, get them. You need to have some sort of lid,(especially with cats!) on all of your tanks. You can always make tweaks on it, and upgrade it. (I can help you there, if you want!)

I hope this helped, and if you have any questions please ask! :)
I’m prepared because half beats the full price. They are crazy expensive But so worth it to do a larger tank.

Oo those sound fun - I’ll look into aquascaping holders!

Ah right on, I’m glad I checked! Thanks so much on the warning. I’ll get a bigger filter for the bubbler (Nemo: the bubbles, the bubbles, the bubbles!) not doing many but I wanted one corner bubbler to jazz up this underwater spectacular I have outlined in my mind.

Oh the 45-5. The 10 will be strictly a grow/quarantine tank with no long term fish. Every plant or fish will go through there before entering the large tank. Then the 10g can sit ready for emergencies.

I’ll look into flourishe! I’ll research carpeting plants. I was aiming for gravel and sand in different areas of the tank. I think the one I briefly forgot was the amazon sword.

My kitties are all under 15 lbs but inquisitive enough for me to know to take precautions. They are well trained and would be trained with the tank but it’s better to be prepared for everything in my book.

The kitties will not have access to the 10g as it’s in a cut off part of the house thankfully! So any emergency fish or new fish won’t have prying eyes either.

Is a python no spill maintenance device really worth the $? It is a larger tank that means hauling loads of water so I am considering buying one to run into the tank for removing water during water changes, and into a pair of buckets beside the tank to fill so I don’t have to haul buckets but just treat the water & then siphon it in. Good plan or is there a better option?

Oh and I was suggesting a 300 watt because winters here can get pretty chilly and the temperature dips at night. Should I swap to the 200 or is my plan of the 300 model appropriate?
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They are usually called “Aquascapeing Dividers”. :)

I have no experience with a python, so I could not answer that question. Any other questions?:)
You might want to start a journal to record your progress. There is Freshwater Journal area and a Planted Tank Journal area of the forums where you could start a thread.
I do want to make a journal but it’ll be months before I have anything really going on with it. This is more like me going ‘I’m not buying the wrong thing, right guys?’ o_O:#:D
Ordered the hoods and two heaters (one for 10g and one for 40/55) which I’ll pick up today. I’m also becoming increasingly poor from this hobby, hah! Now just down to the filter...

I really like what I’ve read as well as the look of sponge filters but haven’t seen any altogether sets when looking. Do you just buy a sponge filter attachment and connect it to any HOB filter?
You would need this one.....
Oh my cod!! I was just on that same site this morning. Fre-kay!

Ohh so sponge filters work with air pumps, not HOBs? This gal has a lot to learn:pAnd Pheonix is my spirit fish guide on this journey ;)
Yes, no HOB’s. Sponge filter (in my experience) only work with air pumps. Lol, I have been many a-persons spirt fish, I guess your my new one! Lol! :lol:
Can I put the 300 W heater into the 10 gallon tank purely to make sure the heater is functioning? As a short term test? I could be waiting to get the tank beyond when the return period for the heater is, so I would like to find a way to test it.
Nope all that it has is some gravel. Pretty snazzy gravel if I do say so myself! Thanks dude!

There aren’t even plants in it yet, because the bulbs I ‘planted’ are in the tiny travel size thing so they can be near a window. I read a lot of mixed reviews on those btw but they’re sprouting!

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