Guppy Tail Problem


New Member
Feb 2, 2017
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Hi All.

I'm new to this forum, but just wondered if anyone can help me out with a problem my guppy has with her tail.
We acquired her last October from a family member and she had a small, clean half moon section of her tail missing. I assumed it had previously been nipped. It didn't cause her a problem and she's not been bothered by it. However lately more of her tail has disappeared and it's changing in look. I hope you can see from the photos what I mean. She's still swimming and eating fine and is active. I have read up on common guppy tail problems but can't find anything similar. I did think fungus but wasn't sure - any thoughts?
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Thanks for your reply. I did think that too but from what I can find out that usually looks quite ragged in appearance. Unless it comes in different forms?
well yeah it usually seems ragged any other fish in the tank with this guppy? and how big is the tank and water parameters please.
There is a neon tetra, 2 platys and a plec. Plus a lone snail.
Waster parameters -
0 ammonia
0 nitrites
20-40 nitrates

We do a 20% water change once a week and it's a 24l tank
Most likely cause is aggression from the other fish. Neons are quite nippy, if not kept in appropriate numbers (at least six), and in such a small tank, there isn't enough room for the fish to escape from any bullying.

I'm afraid your tank is far too small for the fish you have, and you shouldn't add more. I'd look at rehoming the neon, plec and platy, as they either grow too big, or need company.
Thanks fluttermoth.
The guppy and neon tetra was given to us together and they seem to be really pally with each other (not sure if different species do this normally)
I will think about the re-homing.
Is there an illness that you think this could be if not aggression?
It doesn't look like any kind of illness to me.

The neon is looking for a shoal, that's why it appears to be 'pally' with the guppy, but they won't speak the same 'language', which is why you have the aggression issues.
Thank you, I appreciate your help.
These are my sons fish, but we also have a 200l tank that has 10 cardinals in, they are much smaller than the neon at the moment but do you think they would be ok together?
The neon would shoal with the cardinals; they're very closely related. It's not ideal, but better than having it stuck on its own.

Do you know what species the plec is? There are hundreds! That would also be better off in your bigger tank (there are no plecs suitable for a 24l), although even that might be too small in the long run. Many commonly available plecs grow to over a foot long...)
Yes this is something we have come to learn over time. Unfortunately we did the novice thing and took the advice from the sales person at pets at home as gospel who said they'd all be fine in the 12l tank we had at the time!
We have since upgraded to a 24l but no room for anything bigger.
The plec is not a bristle nose which I think remains fairly small? It's smooth, dark in colour with lighter spots. Its small at the moment but I'm aware that it'll outgrow this tank.
We have a Ceylon stonesucker in our other tank, not sure if they're compatible with one another?
Just had a look at her tail now and it seems to have got worse. It also looks swollen. Almost like a growth.
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Hmm, that looks like it's got infected. You'll have to treat with an anti bacterial medication.
Something like melafix? Or is there something better out there you'd suggest?
Melafix is good for preventing infections, but once they've got hold you need something stronger.

I'd recommend Myxazin or eSHa 2000, if you get either of those where you are.

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