Show Off Your Livebearer!

What we should do ludwig is send you some fish to breed up over the summer and then ship them back for our summer...... :)

Ha! Ha!... Helter.... Good Idea!... Then I can keep the good uns and send you the remnants.... Good Idea!

Can I have some? Pleeeeeaaaaaaaseeee?
Why are all the good fish so far away? Ah, well. Maybe I can look for some cool platys to spice up my breeding stock.
also Fish48

Would make a great guppy show fish.
All the judges would be looking for is more colour to the tail so it's not bleeding out and a stronger dorsal colour as again bleeds out at the end.

However the finage is almost perfect on him.

Don’t you think the dorsal is a little short and dumpy for a bottom sword guppy
Using the standard you posted, the sword extension on the tails should also be a couple of mm longer to match the body length.
this is my lil queen isnt she beautifull dalmation molly :blink: :wub: :p


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A nice looking dalmatian you have there Mitchell. Is your water a bit soft? I am used to seeing mollies with their fins more spread out like this girl used to show.
also she's looking a little hollow bellied..... may have a problem with her.
That is a nice looking male molly you have there CasaDilla. Your platy does look to be well on her way to a fry drop.
The rare marbled variation of the common mosquito fish.

Sorry for bad picture quality.
Some nice looking Gambusia you have there. Are those the ones that swamp river has been selling lately?
I guessing the their the usual holbrooki? nice fish

Are your females marbled too?
A nice looking dalmatian you have there Mitchell. Is your water a bit soft? I am used to seeing mollies with their fins more spread out like this girl used to show.
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

hi i dont know but the las couple of days since i pu in my ne external filter she has been poorly cant stay upright always nose down all her side have sunk in and shes just generaly under the weather poor lil sausage i dont know what to do :-( :sad:

oh i also have a orange male saflin molly my male silver thinks hes a girl lol View attachment 58314 025.JPG also cant give you a full proper pic as this uploader will only let you do 100kb why i dont know :grr: :grr:
here is my orange male saflin molly i think thats how you spell it lol :hyper:
here he is with my male guppie just chillin021.JPG

here is my pregnant femail i have no idea when she is due as she was pregnant when i got her ;) 020.JPG

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