Zebra Plec!

I also saw the 10 zebras on ebay, they went for over 2000 and i that was with 1 hour left! :hyper:
XM- I guess you have yet to see L173, L236 or the, perhaps non-existent, L250. All three of these fish sell for more than zebras and, imo, outshine the L260s or any of the other B&W Hypans.

I have 173b from Aquarium Glasser (the b designation indicates it is from 173 parents but is unusually patterned- they are supposed to throw mostly normal looking 173s).

I have a pending deal to trade zebras and cash for some 236s.

Finding anything that even remotely resembles the L250 would involve lottery luck. First just to find one is akin to winning the lottery and then if you did, paying for it would probably require that you have already won the lottery :fun:

Poke around on PlanetCatfish or here for some neat pics http://www.aquarium-glaser.de/en/fish.php?parent_id=18〈=en

I have seen all listed, albeit not in the flesh, I just really dig 260's

Did you see that one that popped up on PC recently, that was pretty as well.

The Hypan dig was tongue in cheek btw, no offence intended, I did expect it to provoke a response from you ;)

I just prefer my Lori's bigger and of the wood eating variety.

As and when I make it back to the UK I will keep a colony of Zebs just to see how I get on with them, I am still in touch with enough breeders to be able to mix the bloodlines and not have it be an overly expensive project.

ps there are some pretty nice ones on the aquafin site at the moment, I try not to visit there too much, it makes me weep what they have access to!

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