White Whale
Granola bar gone bad....
Yesterday I bought 3 really tiny tiger barbs for my 2.5g tank. I was going to return them once they reached more than an inch. I thought I would try out my hand in keeping another type of fish besides a betta. Well, that didn't last too long. This morning I found all three of them dead and stuck to one of the filter siphon (I used the tube with the grate so nothing gets sucked into the main filter tube of the Palm Filter; I am running 2 Palm filters on that one tank). So much for that. Tiger barbs looked really pretty. I may have a few photos I took of them. I didn't realize how strong the suction was for the filter. I think the oto talked them into swimming near the filter. Oh sure, the oto can grab glass in case of strong current, the barbs can't.
I also lost Awww (my tiniest female cambodian) the day before, a swordtail back in April, and a neon tetra, all in that same tank. I still have yet to find their bodies. My 2.5g seems to be a "tank of death" - save for the lone oto which seems to hold its secrets.....
I also lost Awww (my tiniest female cambodian) the day before, a swordtail back in April, and a neon tetra, all in that same tank. I still have yet to find their bodies. My 2.5g seems to be a "tank of death" - save for the lone oto which seems to hold its secrets.....