Curious… do you cover your tanks???

One of my Granddaughters has an open top twenty high . I have never had anything but covered aquariums but hers is nice . The water level is down about two inches and you can hear the outside power filter gurgling and splashing and the sound is tranquil and soothing . All she has is guppies and Ramshorn snails so she’s never had a jumper . She is good about her water changes so evaporation has never been a problem for her . It’s fun to watch the fish from above . I would like to try it but I’m old and set in my ways and if I did remove one of my covers I’d probably set it somewhere and accidentally break it . That’s the kind of luck I have .
I really like letting certain plants like pso break the surface but in general if you have something that will jump 2 inches is nothing - she has guppies which are too lazy to jump but if she ever gets mystery snails she will discover them in odd places aroudn her house.

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