Young Me In Need Of Advice!

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oh ok thats why i want to move to canada anyway lower drinking laws....
Ooh! So we're encouraging minors to do illegal things? :p

Sounds terrible when you say it at way xD.
Naw, I've already decided to do it, and I wouldn't do it if my mom wouldn't allow it, so technically speaking, you aren't really encouraging me to do anything, I'm just wondering what it's like.
If that made any sense?
Bluesand1313 said:
Naw, I've already decided to do it, and I wouldn't do it if my mom wouldn't allow it...
I'm glad this is the case. As wonderful a community as this forum is the fact remains that mom loves you and will have your best interest in heart. 
Be sure you are honest and give her all the information she needs to make the decision. Don't leave out the details about the alcohol, that wouldn't be fair to her.
Also, it's okay not to go somewhere you feel uncomfortable.
techen said:
Am 22 years old, Drank at the age of 16, Never drank again. Don't like drunk people etc etc.
You do not need to drink to have a good time and it scares me how many young people think otherwise, Stick to your diet cokes and pepsi and you'll have a great time
Well said.
TallTree01 said:
Not much advice really. Sit in a corner and wait for it to stop.
That's pretty much how I feel about it.
What I told my daughter and both my sons was to never leave their drink unsupervised. Don't trust anyone with your drink unless they are the very bestest of friends. If you ever suspect that someone had access to your drink, throw it out and get another. Your friend and you should stick together and be each other's look-out! Always stay within the group!!! If you do get sick or feel you need to leave the group, only leave with your friend who is supposed to be your look-out!
Safety always first! After that, just remember that everyone is feeling similar to you, everyone is just hoping that they don't end up standing by themselves, and that they don't say or do anything stupid. Don't focus so much on you, and show interest in the story the person in front of you is sharing with you.    
On a side note though, to be honest, I am a little shocked that your mom is allowing you alcohol at the party at your age. I know I sound like a party-pooper, and I'm sorry but where do people lay blame when things go bad at those teen-parties? And who will be liable for injuries and damages? The parents! 
We've allowed our children now and then small amounts of wine, a sip of beer, or wine coolers at New Year's at home while they were growing up and under our supervision. I guess there are people who would say that was irresponsible!?     
The age for drinking in the UK is even younger.  You can drink with a restaurant with your parents at 16 and buy alcohol yourself at 18.  The general idea is to teach moderation and common sense (at least I hope :p).  Telling a child they cannot drink anything can be counter-productive as children will usual desire what is forbidden even more!  Far better that children have the opportunity to learn to be responsible with alcohol.
The first time I drank alcohol was at a Chinese restaurant with my parents when I was 16.  I had a delicious meal and a couple of glasses of wine.  Then I got home and was promptly sick... I was gutted lol, I really enjoyed that meal!
daizeUK said:
 Telling a child they cannot drink anything can be counter-productive as children will usual desire what is forbidden even more!  
i wouldn't say its just children, id say its anyone, but i do agree with you 
My mother knows everything about the party, even that I'll be drinking the alcohol. Like I said, if I don't just stick with one, the max is at three.
She's told me a few things (like to not put my drink down!) and stuff like that.
Being the small size I am (98 pounds) I have to be even more careful because she said it'll be even easier for me to get drunk, might even with just 3 drinks!
I think that's the only thing I'm worried about. That and missing curfew by accident :s
Maybe you could set an alarm on your cellphone to alert you it's time to head home? 
That and missing curfew by accident
Yea you wanna try and avoid that, I once woke up in a forest miles from where I lived when I was your age. There was some hell to pay then.
To answer your question, not a lot happens at house parties. Conversation is had, drinks are consumed, new people are met, people hook up and (where I used to live anyway) police are invariably called. Most of the time you'll be standing around awkwardly trying to find someone to talk to (unless you already have a good group of friends - though meeting new people is must - or are one of those insta-popular types.) 
I could waste time telling you to be responsible, but a) You seem to be and b) Responsibility is not conducive to fun. I've had some hard parties and done some ridiculously stupid things when I was young(er) but I still think they were all worth doing.
3 drinks can definitely get you drunk depending what they are and how much alcohol is in them. Far as alcohol in general, its not for everyone. Also just because you like and can drink one brand of liquor well doesn't mean a different brand will be the same. Pace yourself with drinks and you won't get drunk, its pretty much as simple as that.
Okay, I think i'll be good.
I'm still really nervous, I guess I'll let ya'll know how it went when I get back tomorrow?? Or maybe the next day lol.
All I know for sure is that I will be sticking to my friend like glue, the one who said she'd look out for me.
So.. I'm back guys!
If I type bad I'm sorry, I ended up getting drunk anyways :/
My friend and I chugged some vodka so.
It was fun but there are a few things I regret.
Ahh well and now you know!!

Though chugging vodka is seriously not a good idea or habit to get into!
BigTuna said:
As a father of a young son and someday I hope to have a daughter I feel there are two different ways I want to approach this.  First of all with my son I want to teach him that at all times he must at like a gentlemen.  I feel this is lost now.  If that means that he has a couple drinks and then stops, so be it.  He is to never put anyone in a position where they are uncomfortable or compromised.  If I am ever blessed with a daughter I want to tell her to never allow anyone to ever put her in a position where she is treated unfairly without her best interests in mind.  I hope that she has a few close friends she can rely on to help look out for her.  This is part of the process of growing up, but I am fear that chivalry is dead, and that there is a constant negative pressure on youth from their peers to get into adults 'things' way too young.  If I could do my youth all over again I'd be less interested in alcohol and parties, it helped create a world of issues with me throughout my 20s, that I am proud to say I have seemed to conquer now.  Everyone is different and genetics certainly weren't on my side, so that isn't meant to say that most people can't go out and have fun and know there limits and stick to them.  Some people can't and won't.  Go out, have fun with your friends, be yourself, and don't feel the pressure from others around you.
You are an awesome father Big tuna, that is a lovely thing to say, and how you are going to broach the subject with yours - which I am equally nervous of, alongside motorbikes, cars etc etc etc! ;)

I think if teenagers on the whole are told not to do something, the general consensus amongst them is to rebel. Blues mum was probably expecting it to happen anyway.

Like what has been said before, it's all part of growing up, maturation and getting to know your limits which is trial and error.

At least now you know what to expect next time now, I'm sure we have all made idiots out of ourselves at some point - I certainly have!
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