You Must All Have A 'fishy' Tale To Tell

i was once smashing some live rock when to get desired shapes well i smashed this 1ft chunk and out of the middle of the rock popped out a bristle worm i hate them so went to kill with the chissel i was using then realized my peppermint shrimp had some how got into the middle of the rock so a mad dash inside and he swam away in the tank

but id got the shrimp months before and assumed my clown or goby had ate it but nope lol
My giant hermit crab managed to escape from my tank once by some how climbing up the filter pipe 18 inches to the top. Then when I put the light on, he saw me let go of the pipe dropped back down and ran into a cave.
Hahaha it was like he knew he should'nt be doing that and got scared when he saw me :lol: :lol: :lol:
lol at some of these. Freddies story reminds me of a blue legged hermit crab we have (the last one left in our marine tanks). When we first got the 5ft tank and put it in it would spend most nights climbing up the corner of the tank on the silicone before climbing back down, moving to the next corner and doing it again.

Since then he has forever been know as "Spider-Crab". I got rid of all the other hermit crabs we had but couldn't bring myself to get rid of him so he is now in our cube tank with the clowns.
Not a salt story, but fishy neverless, I recently decided to upgrade my tank to a saltwater aquarium, so I planned to take all my fish to my lfs. I dreaded this as i thought i would have to do many trips. I managed to catch and bag all my fish and fit all the bags in a big box. This took about 2 hours and when my big box was full of all the fish I felt really good that I only had to do one trip to the fish store to drop them all off. I get back about 1 hour later and start to drain all the sand and water out the tank. All of a sudden something shot accross the tank, it was what me and the girlfriend called wiggles (a horse face loach). We thought it had died many moons ago, however it had simply been burrying itself in the sand, so to my frustration I then had to make another trip.

Lol Ihave a fish story.

I bought a pair of young angels and I had to use the HOB filter, once i turned it on one of the angels got sucked into the filtration unit. I flipped out turned it off and He cam out swimming as if nothing happened. the funny part of it all from that day on he followed me around the tank like a little "Eternally greatful"

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