You know you're obsessed with your fishtank when..

When you go to the LFS to buy feeder goldfish and end up buying a $100 discus also and a 99 gallon tank to go with it.
When you decline a weekend at the coast because you can't leave your fry unattended :whistle:
when you miss the punch line of the movie you rented because you were to busy staring at your fish....
you know when your obssessed when you get all the money you can and spend it on your fish and setups.

....when you get a job for the soul purpose of setting up new tanks :look:

....when you cry when a fish dies

.... when you TOTALLY REBEL against your parents and buy another tank because you can't bring the sea home!!
... when you get rid of your tv to make space for a fish tank.
.... When you have got a wall filled of your picture at your lfs for customer of the month
..... when in art class you dont do as the teacher tells you and you draw/paint fish.
..... when in biology you get excited when the teacher tells you, you are studing fish/pond life.
...... when you know more about nitrates nitrites and ammonia then your chemistry teacher.
when the lady at petsmart knows your phone number because you never bring your card... :p

(thats true)
When you the amount of money you invested in your tank exceeds the price of your SUV. ;)
...when you buy 2 of everything in the grocers.
(One cucumber for you and one for the fish.)

...when you go into any one of the many LFS and they say "hi, sorry the xxx's havent come up on our lists yet"

...You see fish when you shut your eyes :) have an empty tank ready for MORE fish.

...You next house is going to be bought by "tank room" and not living space :D :D
...when one of your shrimp dies and you bury him in the garden (no matter how many bits he's in)
when you spend the extra 2300$ in your house design to have the built in marine tank.....

(it was the only way the hubby was allowed to pick the flooring :/ )
smithrc said:
...You see fish when you shut your eyes :)
I did that earlier tonight :blink: I'm beginning to think I need help. It was a pretty fish pattern though, they were tesellated in teh style of Escher. :crazy:

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