In my memory there was nearly nothing, Some LFS I knew had Tetracycline. But most of the time you where left looking at the horror that was happening.
The alternatives exist in science fiction for the hobby at the moment, but are available to large fish farms who have the money to develop the solutions.
So the hobby is left with Medicinal plants to play with. Unless you have access to a full blown Lab in Microbiology, biochemistry... And a biotechnology department.
When I left the hobby in 2006, There was still not much advancement in Canada regarding that matter.
If you can have these meds... You're Golden !
If you like in-depth explanations:
Review of alternatives to antibiotic use in aquaculture
That leads to this.
Beneficial effects of medicinal plants in fish diseases
Leading to the fact that, without proper antibiotics, the fish will die.
The alternatives exist in science fiction for the hobby at the moment, but are available to large fish farms who have the money to develop the solutions.

So the hobby is left with Medicinal plants to play with. Unless you have access to a full blown Lab in Microbiology, biochemistry... And a biotechnology department.
When I left the hobby in 2006, There was still not much advancement in Canada regarding that matter.
If you can have these meds... You're Golden !
If you like in-depth explanations:
Review of alternatives to antibiotic use in aquaculture
That leads to this.
Beneficial effects of medicinal plants in fish diseases
Leading to the fact that, without proper antibiotics, the fish will die.