You know you're obsessed with your fishtank when..

...when you find an algae scraper in the washing up :/
...when you go into the lfs and the staff say "you again! you can't possibly need anything else!"
Doggfather said:
your reading all the above an nodding along :)
Yeah me too!

Plus I spent both Saturday and SUnday at the LFS this weekend!
when you walk in the door of the lfs and the owner looks over from the customer she is waiting on ands says " i finally got your bosemanies for you" :D

and by the way they are absolutly georgeous, i got 4 :wub:
when you walk into the lfs and the manager says "you're in here more than me!" :p
and all the staff know you by name :nod:
When o Monday morning you discuss what happened on the weekend with your workmates and ...

... you guessed!! :lol:
When you realise you can breathe underwater :S

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