You know you're obsessed with your fishtank when..


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2004
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Thought a " you know your obsessed with your fishtank when..."
would be fun:

You know your obsessed with your fishtank when you stop thinking in "weeks" and start thinking in "water changes"
You know your obsessed when your house is a constant humid, even in the winter months
You know you're obsessed when you're washing your hands of tank water 5 times a day.
....when you buy fish food, meds, new filters and extras for your fish and fabric remnants for you to make clothes out of. Nuthin is too good for the fish! :thumbs:

Also when you start talking to the snails, never mind to the fish! :p

SnowyZMom B)
When you are setting up your 5th tank which is the largest so far... and before this is complete, alraedy thinks about the "bigger and better" 6th tank.
your reading all the above an nodding along :)
When you buy something and you don't think in terms of dollars, you think in terms of what fish you could have bought with the money you spent... i.e. bag of chips=equals 1 cory and five feeder guppies...
... theres no room to put another tank

.... when you wages are spent on fish and 'fish things' before you have even got it in the bank

when everythin u buy has to have either
1) room for fish tank to go on ( i had this last night, brought a new unit jus for the fish tank to go on ;) )
2) somthin to do with fish
3) it dosnt clash with fish tank

when someone asks how ur doin, u always have to tell them how ur fish are doin as well :p

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