Yf Can Taste The Salt..

It's probably just a build up as the flow is not the greatest - just make sure that when you do your water changes you fill up from the weir (tip the water in the weir, but be careful not to spill over the back :crazy: )

seffie x

I tip the water into the main tank is that a bad thing?
I have checked the results on the phosphate and its green, its ment to be white to blue so im guessing theres somthing wrong with the phosphate test. So do you think I should go out tommorow and buy a salifert Phosphate test?

I tip the water into the main tank is that a bad thing?
I have checked the results on the phosphate and its green, its ment to be white to blue so im guessing theres somthing wrong with the phosphate test. So do you think I should go out tommorow and buy a salifert Phosphate test?


I would :good:

And no tipping it in the main display is not a bad thing - it's just with not much flow in the back i always liked to tip a lot of new water in there each week :good:

Seffie x

He was alive thats the thing, I could see all his body and his "tentical" sticking up.
He is now climbing around, but it just confused me as he was litrally "floating" in thin air.
And its not like it was the flow moving him around because he was staying in the same place.

He was alive thats the thing, I could see all his body and his "tentical" sticking up.
He is now climbing around, but it just confused me as he was litrally "floating" in thin air.
And its not like it was the flow moving him around because he was staying in the same place.


He's probably having a "snail" of a time :lol:

Millan Is A Dillan?
Wow, that was weak!
I just got told off on the post about a green mandy pair.
All I did was try and help, the nerve of some people, oh well!

Thanks Tina.
Im not going to get into an arguement with him, I just wont help him out anymore.

just read the post and yeah don't worry bout them they were being a jerk.

you are right to question their tank size and stocking as for all you know they could've been a newbie with 1 week old 24g nano!

as it was they were an ###### with a big tank and a big attitude.

EDIT - you can't say anything on these forums now without it getting edited out, its rubbish!

i was behind you to me and tina and rob are your back up lol

nobody knows everytthing about marines so i am with tina you did nothing wrong

regards scott
Haha, oh well im not going to let him bother me.
Thanks for your commens though guys, atleast I know I was in the right.


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