Yf Can Taste The Salt..

Ok, so turned tank lights on this morning and noticed the Big Hermit on the sand bed, didnt think nothing of it, so then I went out and my girlfriend treated me to three frags (pics up ASAP, just goto drip them etc first.) Then I got home to see Big Hermit in exactually the same spot and not very active what so ever, yet the other hermit is doing fine. Also around one of the mushrooms the ends look kind of "scraggy" like there has been somthing eating on it, urghh im really starting to get depressed now.
I hope Mr.Hermit is ok hes not the best thing in the tank but I still dont want him to die or anything, and it also means there must be somthing wrong with the tank. I went in all three LFS's today for a Phosphate test and they were all out of stock till next weekend.

He could be molting mine seem to go quiet when they are next thing you know theres a new shell moving around the tank :)

btw have you added extra shells for the hermits ? Else you might see them evicting your snails from there shells they seem to like cerith shells the most ;) well my blue legged ones do

if you have nt I got mine from here think i am allowed to post this


if you do buy some extra shells boil them before you add to your tank :)
i shouldn't worry too much. CUC can die for no apparrent reason at any time it doesn't mean there's something wrong with your system.

As for the mushrooms sulking, again they do this every now and again. mine do it for a day or so and then they're back to they're old selves again.

What did you get frags wise............??? :hyper:
Pictures in the next 30 mins anguilla, I fell in love with them though, one of them is a brilliant size for £5 each!
And Mr.Hermit just started chasing my hand once I put it in to arrange the corals so he must of just been resting lol.
I will keep an eye on him though, photos up soon once they have all opened up.

i bet he got some more zoas

lol just glansedover at ,my tank and the manderin was sqauring up to my maroon clownfish he/she just ignored the mandy
Ok, Got some pictures - As usual the photos do it no justice when my sister comes home she has just brought a new one so hopefully she will have it here and not at her boyfriends, also im going to look at some photos of Aiptasia because im 70% sure I just saw one.

Only managed to get pictures of two, as the other one has not opened up fully but it is slowly, ignore the small zoas on the Frag Plate as they are from seffie and not new. If someone could I.D them I would be happy aswell.
The green ones have alot more on, I need to move the rock around so you can see them all, but im going to let them settle first.

New Ones On The Left, And at the far back:



What do you all think?

well the green ones look like Radioactive Dragoneyes.
the orangey ones look a bit like Wham n Watermelon i think.

either they are very nice, esp. at £5 each!
very nice and i was rite
Ok, just a question thats bugging me, are shrimp like CUC? So basically, now I have added livestock does this mean I can not add a shrimp, or can I add a shrimp whenever?


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