Yf Can Taste The Salt..

When im going to get a new coral, I will speak with you all, on what you think are my best options.
Seffie, do you think I need any more CUC or not..Truthfully?


- I think im going to try and stick with soft corals. All corals I have now, are they soft?
Sorry, i am really not good with corals, im going to start learning about them soon.
Pom Pom xenia is nice as well softie and the pulsing is cool ;) I have taken all leathers out of mine due to the risk of checical warfare and I dont want to use carbon. But I know Seffie and Tina both have them and there tanks looking stunning.
I think im going to make it as easy as I can for me.
Then maybe upgrade later on and do a few changes.
What do people think about anemones? If I get a clown pair, would I need one for them to host?
Or would they host a soft coral?

hopefully they wont host a sun coral on you lol 9/10 time lps die when clowns host them. clown will host in anything if they are going to from rock, glass powerhead even if u give them a new. plus a nem is not a great idea in a nano.

edit: i had a branching hammer(lps closely related to frogspawn) in my tank from early on and i have fragged it and it wont be that long til its getting fragged again lol
Ok, I will avoid the nem.
Hmm, Maybe if I decided to get the clowns, I should wait until I host somthing I am happy with, then add other corals that would suffer if the clowns hosted on them.
Is there anything else that pair up quite often in captivity, apart from the Shrimp & Goby pair.
(Im still debating that pair, I dont think I will do it though.)


- Stephan, will you be selling some of the frags?
Frogspawn was my first LPS, they are easy, as long as water stats are good.

I was very tentative at feeding to start with, very blase about it now though, it really is easy. Just squirt a little at the tentacles and they will take the food to their mouths themselves.

One of the best LPS to watch feeding is a bubble coral, they really stretch out and seem to chew on the food. Stunning feeding tentacles too.

All my LPS and even my zoas and hairy mushrooms get fed 3-4 times a week. A little less when my arm was out of action but I got Andrew to do it, I think he enjoyed it for a change.

I do run carbon all the time, better I think with the mix of corals I have. Never had a problem with my leather, its not even shed yet, just grown and grown. It likes a little sulk sometimes where it is not as inflated but the polyps still come out.

If you start out with softies, I can guarantee before a month is out you will be buying some LPS. They are too hard to resist.
im not too sure i might just end up swapping them out among local guys but i will let you know. could still be 6 months away yet lol. i wouldnt worry about a pair of anything in a nano mate why not go for a little flameback angel i have one in my 100l nano and he looks great
My Clowns are trying to host in a zoa which is great as it is nt bothered by them I looked at angles went for a pygmy cherub very sweet but he does bug the firefish a little bit
Clowns tend to host in anything with long wavy polyps, Big C had his hosting in a Pussy coral and mine host the toadstool. I have had no problems keeping th etoadstool with euphyllias and do not run carbon.

As for nems, as you know Bill was in the orca and grew too big - if you plan to upgrade later and when the tank has been running for six months you could consider a small bubble tip :good:

CUC, you have probably got enough for now - wait a while and see if you get signs of needing more :good:

The frogspawn that you so like is easy to keep, go for it

oh I can't remember if you asked anything else :rolleyes:

Seffie x

Clowns tend to host in anything with long wavy polyps, Big C had his hosting in a Pussy coral and mine host the toadstool. I have had no problems keeping th etoadstool with euphyllias and do not run carbon.

As for nems, as you know Bill was in the orca and grew too big - if you plan to upgrade later and when the tank has been running for six months you could consider a small bubble tip :good: I CONSIDER THAT VERY BAD ADVICE

CUC, you have probably got enough for now - wait a while and see if you get signs of needing more :good:

The frogspawn that you so like is easy to keep, go for it

oh I can't remember if you asked anything else :rolleyes:

Seffie x


you should never buy anything with the plan that you will upgrade coz situations can change. yf you should only buy what your current tank can house unless i suppose you could frag the nem to keep it smaller and also make a few quid at the same time.
Stephen, seffie said it because she knows if I think in the future I will upgrade, then I will nmw.
I understand your point of view though.
Im going to avoid the nem, As I dont think I will be upgrading until I move into my own place (prob around 2 years time).
Hmmm, now my mind is at work..my first marine fish.
Any ideas people?

(Seffie I will test the water about 3pm :good: )

i suppose you could frag the nem to keep it smaller and also make a few quid at the same time.

I would not do that. Usually when that is attemted both sides of the frag die.

haha who told you that. have a google at anthony calfo if you dont kno who he is he promotes it along with many other top authors and i seen him frag one at a seminar he was giving over in england and the scalpel broke when he was half way through so he finished it off with scissors lol which he even says you shouldnt do lol and the guy that kept them said they both done fine and i had actually seen them the next day and they had both already healed off.

Stephen, seffie said it because she knows if I think in the future I will upgrade, then I will nmw.
I understand your point of view though.
Im going to avoid the nem, As I dont think I will be upgrading until I move into my own place (prob around 2 years time).
Hmmm, now my mind is at work..my first marine fish.
Any ideas people?

(Seffie I will test the water about 3pm :good: )


good choice yf as you could find the nem could go walk about and sting corals. plus anemones need some ammonia in the tank to feed on as they cant feed off nitrates like corals can. i will get anyone who wants the info on nems a copy of the paper if its wrote yet

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