Yet Another Problem With My Betta

No changes, so I will take that as good!  He has flared several times at the corner of death (he hates a particular corner of his tank because light reflects there from outside) I thought I saw his top fin flinch but I also might have imagined it... anyhow, it is no worse anyway!
Am rooting for your lovely boy - hopefully the treatments will soon begin to have a positive impact on Riley!
I think he will always be beautiful, Prairie.
I've no experience in it myself but I've read that how the fins grow back depends on how severe the damage was.
Bless Him.
Once fish have had finrot it can keep returning. Lets hope the meds help him out this time round.
I kept guppys and even with good water quality some of them still have fins problems.
I once had a betta male whose lovely fins were eaten off by some other fish - looked like a blue apple-core overnight, but his fins grew back (after I'd returned the offending fish to the LFS!)
I hope this cures it once and for all.  He has been in fantastic spirits though.  He had previously been napping so much more during the months of reoccurring issues.  Now he only naps a few times and very lightly as he wakes right away if I come looking.

Oh, I had another question that, far as I know, isn't another problem.  Riley has a couple patches of ... how to describe... like... more opaque scales?  Darker is the wrong word as he isn't a color that could really be darker... the vast majority of his scales basically look like chips of pearl but a couple patches look thicker or more opaque.  Why is that?  Oh, and so far I have never managed to get it to show up in a picture as his scales catch the light and he either looks mostly pink like my avatar or he looks pearly all over.
I was thinking I should probably move my update to my journal ( since his condition seems to have stabilized and no longer seems to be an emergency... as not to take away attention from other fish who are in an emergency state right now.
So... I will make my updates in Riley's journal from now on but will of course respond to any further comments here too!
How long have you been using the medication now?
6 days.  The antibiotics put a slimey coat on everything so I thoroughly cleaned it all just before noon... and it has since turned cloudy so I will change the water again to clear it up.
Would of expected to see some improvement in the fins by now.
Have you removed the antibiotic from the water?
Probably, I did 90% clean earlier and am waiting for my son to finish his painting so I can clear the foggy water.
I would go in with another round but higher the dose.
What was the dosage you used?
I was going with 100mg/40 liters with a 20% water change before each dose, that is one dose per day.
Do you think it might be worth changing to Interpet Fin Rot meds instead?
I did google today and see another case and in their pics it was an amazing chance in just under a month... so thought maybe mine should have had a hint of growth already.
Water change complete again, about 90%, no medication or fertizer put in yet, just want to make sure the water clears... it is mostly clear I think the filter will clear the rest shortly.
Wilder:  So... Riley should be showing more improvement than just a good behavior and no more loss of fins?

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