Yet Another Problem With My Betta

Good Luck.
Fingers crossed.
Right... so no progress getting antibiotics... or anyone to even understand.  At the moment I have decided to do mythelene blue baths and he has done his first bath for 15 minutes.  It seems to have had a pretty immediate effect on his eye as it is far more clear than when he went in.
I wish I could send you some antibiotics from here, but that might be risky, because it's illegal, isn't it!!! :(
At least you're already seeing some improvement with his eye. 
I wish I could send you some antibiotics from here, but that might be risky, because it's illegal, isn't it!!! 

At least you're already seeing some improvement with his eye.
Not to sure on the illegal stand anymore. UK Law always been hard to understand. I should consult my son
seen as its his field of work.
Even if it was legal for sure, I think that would be too long.  I am quite concerned the top fin might keep going if I can't hault it and end up as body rot.  Still swimming normally this morning.  When I get back from the school run I will do another mythelene blue bath while I am doing a clean on my other tank (that is doing so awesomely I don't dare add more fish as I planned!)
Yes, shipping time is an issue for sure. I hope things will start getting better with your pretty little guy soon!
Hope the methylene blue continues to help and eradicate whatever is causing it. It seems worse when you don't know what it is and it's a bit of a hit and miss approach but at least he was showing some improvement after the first bath which must be encouraging.
You've probably already researched it but here's a link I found this morning as I'm not familiar with its use, but felt one day it might come in handy!
So, as I said yesterday I had no luck getting a prescription of antibiotics from a vet... so I asked a couple friends if they had any left over... and one friend has gotten back to me and said she has some spare "metronidazole".... anybody know if that is alright to use?  I will google as well to see what I find.

Whoohooo  found this!
I'm going to try the metronidazole!
Metronidazole is a treatment for anaerobic bacterial infections, but have no idea what dosage for fish (humans yes as I'm a nurse, but have never used it for fish) The article I linked said don't use mehtylene blue with antibiotics.
I haven't added Mythelene Blue to my actual tank.  I intend to do a full water change anyway before adding antibiotics.  From what I have found so far it seems the dosing is 100mg per 40 litres which I of course want to confirm first before using it.
My only update for the day.  He isn't any worse, far as I can tell.  His eye is nearly better, you'd only notice a slight bit of cloudiness if you scrutinized him and caught him in the right light.
He has lost a touch bit of his dorsal fin but only the little nub that was already hanging in the previous picture.
I've opted to dab the edge of his dorsal fin and the black edge on his bottom fin with echinacea tincture as I find it for myself personally to be amazing at clearing an infection and I have found that it is used in some products for aquarium fish in the USA which are added to tanks.  So, I decided that means it is safe enough to apply topically.  I was careful to only swab it on the edges of the fins which are worst affected.
I am reading that Metronidazole is not generally the best antibiotic for fin rot, but I haven't read anything that says it would have any negative effects.  Sounds like it will either help or have no effect at all.  I am debating how long to use it.  I am going with the article that says to dose 100mg/40 liters every 2 days with a 25% water change before each dose.  I have found other articles saying to dose 250mg but I'd rather go easier and stick with the lower dosage.  I will be picking that up shortly.
Good luck Prairie! Hope it does the trick and glad you seem to have halted the progression of whatever it was.

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