Yet Another Problem With My Betta

I hope he has, too soon to tell.
He has been feeling great, swimming nearly the entire day... I really hope that means something too.
Glad to hear there been some improvement.
The antibiotics are obviously not helping Riley's eye.  His eye has gone cloudy again after just having cleared up just over a day ago.  I had switched to using mythelene blue to swab his fins but I shall return to doing the bath as it helped his eye a great deal before.  Had just thought the more intense swabbing of his fins might help better than the bath.  Anyhow, on a good note, no further damage to his fins... hopefully that means it has stopped at least.  He still cannot expand the remaining bit of his dorsal fin.
Maybe it isn't an anaerobic infection. Hope Riley continues to respond to methylene blue and turns the corner soon!
At least his fins are no worse, felt like the top one was going quickly. His eye half cleared with his mythelene blue bath and should again be all the way clear with the next one.
Are you still using the antibiotics?
Cloudy eye is a symptom of a disease, not a disease in it's own right.
Bad water quality.
Old age.
Poor diet.
Bacterial infection.
Thank you for the update.
Glad the infection not getting any worse.
I am still using the antibiotics, 100mg/40L.
I am starting to feel quite confident is his fins are no longer getting worse, the top fin has stayed exactly the same since losing that little nub.  His bottom fin did lose the black bit overnight, but also the long jagged bit so I'm thinking either snagged or bitten off... either way... it makes the bottom fin look clean.  I added salt to help it heal.
As for his eye, I just don't know what is happening there.  I did his mythelene bath yesterday since his eye problem returned and it went half away right away.  Then this morning it was bath.  I've just done another mythelene blue bath and it is half gone again.  I also did a 70% water change today.
I wouldn't say he was stressed before, but he has not been happy with me netting him lately.  At the same time, he is swimming around with lots of energy a good 90% of the time his tank lights are on which is way more than he has since this problem started.
As for age, he is just over 1 1/2 years, so not that old.
His diet is mostly Hikari Bio Gold betta pellets which I pre-soak before feeding them to him.  He sometimes gets a blood worm once a week.

I don't think he has any other signs of parasites.  His poop is normal looking.  I never see him actually pooping, he seems to do it at night as I often see it laying on the leaf of one of the anubias.
Water quality has been stable and I've not struggled with the stats at all, not even back last year sometime when I had to replace one of the sponges.
Sooooo... I think we are finally on top of the fin problem and I hope it won't resume disintegrating again... but I am at a loss about the eye.
Just a shot in the dark but perhaps you should jus tleave his lights off for 48 hours and cover the tank with a towel so it is completely blacked out. Dont feed or bother him in any way, just a peek to see if he is ok, this will totally relax him. This is a good meds free way of getting bettas to unclamp there fins, when they are opened up again you may get a clue as to what the problem is. Give it a go it always worked for me in the past.
I'm not sure about that while he has the eye problem.  Even while treating it, it seems to start coming back between meds, I'd be awfully worried leaving him for 2 days in the dark would mean his eye getting a lot worse.
Just go for 24 hours, a calm fish will recover a lot faster than one that is stressed.
Here is an update in pictures taken a little bit ago.  His eye keeps improving and getting worse over again, his top fins has remained the same and still doesn't expand (is it maybe too short??  I was thinking it is stuck together)... he seems to have a small hole in his tail but I don't know if that was there before or not as that was not the area I was scrutinizing.  His bottom fin is quite clean looking just a hint of black.
Awwe, he looks so sad! 
It will take some time for the poor fin to grow back, he's lost quite some length on it. I guess all you can do is just keep doing what you have so far! He's holding on, though, so there's at least that.
I know how tiring it can be, trying to figure out what it is that is wrong, and what to do to make it better. My eldest son has been having trouble keeping his Bettas from dying. Still in the process to find out what it is that is making them sick. We were treating the symptoms with meds but in the end they always died, now it looks like we are down to two possibilities, either the river rocks are at fault, or gasses from a dead plant bulb (palm tree in the corner of the room).
Wow, plants in the room can actually do something to fish?  I thought it was always stuff in their own tank or that you spray nearby and that sort of thing.
It was news to me could a plant's decaying root have such potency in airborne toxins? Maybe we're just grasping at straws.....
How's your little patient today?

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