Yay new tank

I dunno i think my parents would disagree they'd say i'm on lots!

here's some more pics, wired up a lamp and put a B&Q 10ltr bucket in for size reference!


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You are going to have to build an outside structure sooner or later Paul. ( I know as I was extradited to the garden shed many many times). We have just moved house and I kept around 100 tanks in my last fish-house. I have some set up in the garage at our new house and the plan is to amass more so as "ER INDOORS" says why dont you build another shed. (hope it happens soon, her idea, my plan, she gets the garage back & I get a brand new fish-house RESULT:- everyones a winner). I'd just like to add this final thought. It may be a new tank at the moment but the next one with take its place.
Good luck with the new venture Paul. Post the pics and keep us updated.
my goodness. 100 tanks?!? I have 1 set up, and 3 dry in the back room. My parents are giving me a hard time about the 3 in the back. I'm thinking up setting up my 5gal and having a go with a betta, but they would be mad if i did.
you had 100 tanks! how did you manage to keep that up!?
Yeah 100 tanks of varying sizes all going at the same time in a 8'x6' insulated garden shed. The whole thing was space heated with a 3Kw fan heater coupled to a thermostat.
I was never out of that fish-house sometimes until 1am. It was to say the least very time consuming. But very very enjoyable.
I think we are highjacking Paul's thread here a little bit. (sorry Paul)
"Last tank for now" I've heard that so often from you Paul...

Good tank. I may have to go salty too (or at least heavy brackish), and the Mrs is liking "flat" tanks...(Can see another tank being squeezed in somewhere soon).

Good work dude.

andywg said:
"Last tank for now" I've heard that so often from you Paul...

I'm innocent!

There's so many tight gaps you can fill with a good custom built wide tank, i could have a 30x30 on the other side of the post if i didn't need it for storage space!
lol, kinda.

my other 100g was a planted but the RTBS and cichlids didn't seem to a agree with it so as i'ved been busy with new tanks the decors kind of been neglected so it's just got messy plants in places now.

my congo puffers tank has alot of plants though, mainly the types you can tie to wood though, riccia, java moss and fern and a few crypts.

Cookie's tank has a corner with lots of crypts which do well and anther with lots of amazon swords.

and the algae in my big tank is doing really well.
got it going today...

well that turned out pretty dark, well update tomorrow when i would of sorted out a couple of tubes for it
sorted the lighting out earlier, although I still need some reflectors it looks more like this now..
skimmer on....

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