Not sure what 'pita with the corals' means lol
pain in the ar*e
they crawl all over them!
You say halloween hermits eat cyano, is this a good thing or bad? I am more likely to go for the halloween hermits -
most certainly good
Oh and ew ew ew, just read this
"Fun fact: adorable cleaner shrimp are notable for crawling down people's throats and laying eggs in their chest!"
I can't wait

when I get the tank I'll make a journal.. although it will be fairly basic as I'm sure this set up has been seen many times before with this combination of fish!
We dont care how often it has been done before, everyone brings something new
we love watching a tank come alive
I have been reading a few journals, mostly Seffie and Trods but I wasn't looking at the date the messages were posted so I still don't have any idea about the time it could take.
Our tanks evolved over a year or maybe slightly less
we then upgraded but we both miss our Orcas