Worlds Largest Aquarium Petition Is Up - Sign!

good idea, signed it.

come on people theres only 20 signatures on there at present. a few thousand may make a difference. sign away it only takes a second
yep, you can choose to not disclose further info, its up to you.

hey, my names strapped to the form if the press get wind!
'i would but i dont like to give me name over the internet, i heard about that on the CNN'

Hmmmm, are the CIA watching fish activists now? :)

Signed....come on people..sign it
No offense, but an online petition won't do any good. Even a written petition has little chance without hundreds of thousands of signatures.
No offense, but an online petition won't do any good. Even a written petition has little chance without hundreds of thousands of signatures.

LOL agreed but i feel a little better for doing my bit. what else can we do? and that is a serious question. if there is anything else we can do to help just point us in the right direction.

this project just has to reach completion it's going to be so awesome i cant put it in words just how amazing it's going to be.

if any of you are on other forums spread the word. the more the merrier.
The petition will be printed and mailed, it wont be just online only.

Thanks for the support, it will be ace!

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