Poorly Cory?

Wahhh ... it's taken me 24 hours to find both my zebra snails (I found one in the plants - it doesn't look very alive right now) which means I can treat the tank now ... and then I go and spot another baby panda hiding in my fern. If I add the med it could kill it and that's too cruel. Now what!
I have DD and the baby fish hasn't been spotted since. It's highly likely that the treatment has killed it. The cories seem a little better though. I've not seen them flashing as much and they've been really active for the last 24 hours.
I've got a feeling though that I'm gonna need to dose again. I doubt somehow that one treatment will will cure the panda - he's been like this too long. I'll let it run it's 5 day course, do a water change, wait a couple of days and see how things look. If there's no improvement I'm gonna dose again and if I've got to keep going til I get him well then that's what I'm prepared to do 
Realise that if it is one of the parasites we think, de layer you see is damaged skin. You could have killed the parasites, but the skin needs some time to heal.
A second treatment to be sure is a good idea though but doesn't heal the skin / fish !!

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