fishman 1
Fish Crazy
Dear Phantom Thief
Ah, thats what I like to see........
I am glad to see that CFC has put you right on this one!
And as to certain species of fish not liking fresh water, once again, absolute crap. As long as the pH, kH and temperature are the same or similar, even the fussiest of fish wouldn't dislike it.
Ah, thats what I like to see........
I am glad to see that CFC has put you right on this one!
Obviously tap water has no ammonia. Obviously it's not waiting there to kill the fish. Obviously, it's the fish itself which is producing the ammonia and nitrite to kill it. Sure, putting only a small number of fish won't make the ammonia go through the roof, but there will still be a noticable amount of it. Are you saying it won't hurt the fish?Adding too few fishes would simply make whatever bacteria is there already starve due to the lack of a source of ammonia.Erm, think you have contradicted yourself here!
If there is "a noticable ammout of it"(ammonia) where are you saying it has come from then? A couple of fish wont produce that much ammonia to have "a noticable ammount of it". Any ammonia is a noticable ammount if you want to go that far! And nitrite is a by product from the breakdown of ammonia.
The idea is not to make the ammonia go through the roof if the fish are in there!
I recon you bin adding too many glasses of that poison you keep harping on about to yours to yours. In no instance am I saying ammonia, nitrite (and not forgetting nitrate) will not harm the fish. I have seen new and mature tanks suffering from the symptoms of both in the past. Have you ever heard of a product called AMMO LOCK? I have heard reports of this being good in emergencies. Where do you buy your ammonia from? I have never seen it for sale in any fish shops.As for adding aged water to prevent the bacteria from dying from "fresh water", that is absolute crap. The aged water would not have any ammonia and nitrite, because all of it should be processed already by the bacteria already present.The trouble is your not accurate with this statement either.
There is not any of the "good" bacteria in the filter in the first place so how can it die. That is the point of the cycling! Gradually increasing the ammount of fish means that at the start the bacteria grows a little. Then gradually increasing the ammount of fish means that the bacteria colony can brow at the same pace.
I would like you to explain what you think I would be subjecting the fish to when I put them in a tank with treated tap water (declorinated, decloramined and stood for a few days) and some aged water. Dont tell me you think there will be HIGH AMMONIA because with sparce feeding and nothing else producing waste it wont get high!Erm, excuse me, what do you mean by "fresh water"?I stand corrected on this one. I must be imagining there is bacteria present in there like you did on the last quote I put in this post of yours.Yes, the bacteria can and will colonise a filter run on an older tank.When I say fresh water I should have been more specific. I was refering to straight untreated tap water. And incase YOU did not know washing filter media under the tap WILL kill good bacteria.Well thats one thing we can agree on then!
Incidently are you and slyspy related (or the same person) you are both seem to have an obsesion with poisoning.